Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ring bells through the window
I wish you smile for me
Sing songs altogether
La la la la la
('I Wish' by L'Arc-en-Ciel)

Just finished Global Market & Trade presentation today, and the responses and feedbacks from fellow classmates as well as the Prof were entirely great *grin*. At least I am finally free from presentations and projects for the rest 2 months *grin grin*. Well, the only reason for not blogging lately is because of this so-called major project.

Today is 20th of March in Singapore time, so I guess, happy birthday for myself ;). People said life begins at twenty; so according to them my life is just started. I am 21 already, means that I can legally buy alcoholic drink, cigarrettes, and not to mention watching BF *evil grin*. (No, that's just a joke, Apratz is still a good girl with good sense of humour)

Wishlists for B'Day gift :
1) Good Honour, good job, good grade (God am I asking too much?)
2) L'Arc-en-Ciel Live Concert VVIP seat
3) L'Arc-en-Ciel Live Concert VIP seat
4) L'Arc-en-Ciel Private Concert VVIP seat
5) L'Arc-en-Ciel Private Concert VIP seat
6) HYDE DOLL!! (Aaarrrgghhh where can I buy this?) *hysterical*

I think for just being here sound and safe, having so many friends who care a lot, going for exchange and primarily only taking 2 fun subjects, travelling all around Europe while waiting for Graduation ceremony, et cetera, and countless et cetera are my priceless gifts granted by God. Thank God for everything :).

Anyway, will be going to Malmo-London-Venice-Rome-Florence-Milan-Berlin-Amsterdam for the whole Easter Holiday + 1 week extended holiday *heart-throbs*. Can't wait for the break to come!


Anonymous said...

kalo versi gw sie, life begins at thirty... :P

met ultah yeeee... berhubung lom masuk wishlist, gw doain moga2 enteng jodoh... huehuehuehuhue

Anonymous said...

happy birthday dear Ayu :)

being around you is always a cheerful time, and I'm hoping the same for the next years ahead :)

Like Dilla said, just be YOU. :)

Adilla said...

Hahahaha...amien2 :D. Happy holiday ya ntar...Btw kalo online mau foto saljunya dong ;). Nikmati dan isi hidup yah, sebelum quarter-life crisis :P. Tapi kalo menurut CPU jiwa daku, umur asli sama dengan (tahun sekarang-tahun kelahiran) dibagi dua :P. Jadi masih 10.5 Yu, hohoho...:D

ryy_ said...

Slamat ulang taun! tp Slamat ga lagi ulang taun skarang.

happy birthday! stau gw si, hepi juga ga ulang taun skarang.

joke ini juga udah digebukin sampe bonyok tp masi dipake juga ya.

Karena yg laen pada pake emote, gw juga ga mau kalah D:

Apret said...

@ Hamid : iyee tau deh yg maonye kawin umur 30, wakakaka.
Jodoh udah enteng bang, yg antri banyak tp sy masi pikir2 XD

@ Fanny : makasih banyak Fanny sayang.Your words're comforting ;).Thanks so much, and that applied for u as well, just be YOU =D

@ Adilla : wah saya masih spuluh stengah taun *bahagia*. Adilla kangen Adilla, entar mao curhat, hihihi.

@ Ryy : -_-" iye de apa katalo. Haha.Makasi banget.Ayo traktir gaji pertama XD

arinto said...

hepi b'day pratz.. btw, kalo ke London, salam buat Thiery Henry ma Theo Walcott ya.. bilangin ke mereka.. istirahat yang cukup... biar cepet sembuh =p.. hihihiih

Apret said...

@ Arinto : Makasih banget Arinto =), iye entar disampein. Salam balik katanya XD
