Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I feel like writing stories.

In times of adversities, insomniac, anxiety and such, myriad peculiar inspirations swell in my mind. They come up in the form of stories –sad, intriguing and angst plot to be more exact (I have no idea why I sweat so much when trying to build up lovely and pleasant plot T_T).

First Plot :

Rhapsody of Lady Murasaki

My name is ‘death’, coz my parents want me to be dead
And I want you too, to be dead

Toru, A popular composer meets a strong-willed boy-prostitute in a night club, whose fearless eyes leave him with great impression. The day after, he meets a street performer having the same eyes (and not to mention face) with him. Interestingly, he doesn’t seem to know him as well as their previous meeting. His name is Sai. He is very decent and shy but he can sing very well.

Toru then tries Sai to sing his composed songs, and he can perform it naturally without hesitation. Toru then reform a band called ‘Lady Murasaki’ with Sai as vocalist and lyricist, while he acts as just an outsider and let the band gains fame with their own effort. It is not hard times for them, since Sai’s angelic voice has power and his lyrics are so transparent and honest, both a reflection and satire of contemporary society nowadays. ‘Lady Murasaki’ becomes an icon and is loved by so many people.

Strange things happen when ‘Lady Murasaki’ released their first complete-album. A number of suicides in the town begin to increase steadily. By the time they released their third complete-album, most of their fanatic fan-girls are killed, either by committing suicide or having unnatural death. This is questioned by Toru who has neither evidence nor proof that ‘Lady Murasaki’ itself is involved. He wants to meet Sai but is unable to; since they are getting very popular.

‘Lady Murasaki’ is going to have a large-scale live concert. Toru is watching them rehearse, and suddenly realizes there is something strange with Sai. The one sings in podium is no longer Sai, that heavenly voice, those deadly moves, that infectious fiery glare, those are him. Him, whom Toru met two years ago. He noticed Toru’s presence and then smiles to him.
Welcome to the world of the dead, Toru”.

Story ends, I don’t know how to go afterwards >_<. I should spare more time to ponder and fantasize *slapped by rottentomatoes*.

It seems like I am a maniac of death issue =S. The truth is, I AM very paranoid of death, and even write these things make me shiver *it’s true*. I’ve been thinking about this plot long time ago, and I guess it has more twists at that time (but I already forgot).
The second plot is in progress, I’m still thinking of the appropriate names and title (but the theme is still around murder and death issue *boohoo*).


Anonymous said...


Enak yah yang ga exam bentar lagi...-_-

ryy_ said...

by the way:

to be dead

ada apa di konsernya, ada ada apaaa
kpala meledak kiri kanan? Ternyata Sai itu agen invasi dari 'sesuatu' yg laen? Ternyata dia punya dendam sama orang2? (kynya gitu dari opening nya)

Apret said...
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Apret said...

@ Fanny : Haha ini mah belon ngebentuk apa2, cuman pemikiran ngaco =p

Selamat exam Fanny =D, walopun ngga ada exam, sedih juga, karna nilai disini ngga dimasukin di transcript X( (giliran subject susah aja, dipajang di transcript nilai D gede2, giliran bagus malah ga bisa dimasupin, uhuuuu)



Ada... ada deeeh XD XD, masa diceritain? ga boleh, ga asik kalo ga spoiler
Kalo soal itunya si kepikiran, tapi selanjutnya ga tau mo nulis apa =S


Anonymous said...

Ada spam di nomor #3, tuh...

*nggak nyambung :P *

(maaf nih nggak bisa ngasih review, soalnya ceritanya belom lengkap ;) )

(pesan moral: cepat lengkapi!! :D )

Apret said...

@ Sora-kun : ihihii salah, yg nomor 3 gw sendiri yg nulis cuman gw apus gr2 kurang asik komennye XD

Aduh bingung ngelengkapinnya gimana, hihihi.Entar lah cari inspirasi di kamar mandi. Thanks anyway ;)