Finally Amazon.Uk has dispatched my orders, God Child (Count Cain Saga) volume 2 and 3! I am truly madly deeply crazily totally in love with the whole plot and characters. For Thou who detest Shoujo Manga that much, I tell Thou that the story is not that shallow though it shows tons of bishounen as crème de la crème *grins*.*
Can you not hear your Brother Abel’s blood crying out from beneath the ground, Cain?
(Alexis to Cain, in 'Butterfly's Bone')
God Child tells about a young England nobleman called Cain C. Hargreaves, a head of Hargreaves family, altogether with his faithful butler Riff, they resolved tons of murders and mysteries around them (It seems like unfortunate events always haunt him wherever he goes, a close resemblance to Detective Conan series). The story takes place in the 19th Century in London. Within the first few of the volume, it depicts some artistic murders using Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales as well as Victorian-England infamous aspects such as Jack the Ripper, Occultism and Superstitions. But as the story goes on, the inconvenient truth about the characters will be brutally revealed, which makes the story even more twisted and shocking.

And the Queen of Heart said,
“Off with her head!”
(Alice in Wonderland-Through the Looking Glass)
The pairing Cain and Riff remind me of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (though I have no idea of who becomes who). Cain is the Earl of Poison, he is collecting poisons as hobby, expert in both piano and violin, and has a splendid analytical thinking concerning murders. As for Riff, he is both a friend and guardian and will supply information that he needs. It is a perfect couple for detective story, I think. Nevertheless, Cain deals with some poltergeists ceremony and erroneous belief in some stories (as they are quite popular in England at that time), while Sherlock Holmes, to my concern, doesn’t deal with those things.
Jack the Ripper is dead
Walking in the white chapel
The sounds of steps we dread
Jack the Ripper is here
More importantly, both stories mention about the notorious Jack the Ripper as a gimmick. I am not sure about Jack the Ripper in Sherlock Holmes, but the hypothetical speculation about Jack the Ripper in God Child really makes sense. This remarkable serial killer comes out in sub story; ‘Mark of the Red Ram’, about the mentally-ill Young nobleman who always write the word ‘Red Ram’ and paint it on the wall inside his isolated chamber, and it will eventually lead to series of murders pertaining to Jack the Ripper. Ladies and gentlemen, Red Ram could be reversely read as Mar Der (literally means ‘Murder’, a typical Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle’s favourites).
Lizzie Borden, took an axe
Hit her father, forty whacks
When she saw, what she had done
She hit her mother, forty one
(Lizzie Borden, Nursery Rhyme)
Another interesting point is the presence of Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes as a trigger of murders. I don’t think that Nursery Rhymes psychologically suit the children, since it sometimes shows nasty and malicious use of wordings. The Nursery Rhyme ‘Lizzie Borden’ is being used in the story titled ‘The Tragedy of Miss Pudding’ as well as other infamous Rhymes namely ‘Who Killed Cock Robin?’, ‘Black Sheep’, ‘Sundays Solomon Grundy’, et cetera, et cetera (even the titles make you creepy enough, isn’t it?)

“Everyone has a Judas nearby, and anyone can be Judas. Let me show it to you now” says Cain
*spoiler alert*
The second last volume of God Child titled “Judas’ Kiss”. Readers, God Child has nothing to do with Bible story at all (exception the using of name Cain and Abel as main characters of the story). Thing is, the theme of sacrifice, trust and betrayal are fully applied within the plot. In the end, for somewhat evil reasons, Riff will betray Cain and pursue him in order to kill him. Cain –who has never known about this- in return, claims for revenge (the reverse side of great love is tremendous hatred =p) and swears to kill him with both of his hands.
"If you betrayed me, I will go and die."
(Cain to Riff in 'Kafka')
This story is full of deception and lies, with the scandalous endings that we cannot bear to imagine. Still I am thinking that Kaori Yuki is being too vicious to her own main characters, as she disinclines to at least create an itsy bitsy happy ending to them.
Anyway, I will be going to London in this coming Easter Holiday *drumrolls*. I can’t wait to see Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, Big Ben, Baker Street, Buckingham Palace, et cetera, et cetera, which so far I can only find in Oscar Wilde and Conan Doyle’s writings *fainted in fascination*. I hope I don’t find any trouble in dealing with the Visa.
Am trying this test in Quizzila, and getting fascinated about the result *lol*.
Which God Child Character Are You?

You are Riff, loyal, mysterious, and shy. You are a nice person, and would do almost anything for your friends. Sometimes however you just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...
Apratz yearns for flesh bread and bloodberry jam (trance in God Child ‘aftertaste’ =p)
*baru selesai baca review*
BAGI.... \(~o~)/
Eh, tapi itu barang legal yah? Nggak jadi deh... :(
Pengen beli lewat internet, nggak punya PayPal... Kartu kredit apalagi... Palingan kartu debet, itu juga isinya dipas-pasin buat urusan hidup di sini (Bandung) & kuliah... :(
Kayaknya bagus banget yah? Tapi kayaknya banyak shonen ai-nya juga ya? (@_@)
Huhuhu.... (teringat waktu nonton X, ceritanya keren banget; tapi banyak adegan gay-nya... T_T -- kekurangan terbesar yang bikin gw ilfil =( )
cepetan balikkkk!!!!
:P :P
wah, lagi banyak duit?
@ Sora : ihihii trauma banget yah ama X. X tu indah koq, suer, apalagi Subaru-Seishirou *kyaaaa*.Cinta gw mah ama Clamp,baca komiknya RG Veda deh, itu juga teramat sangat indah. CLAMP sekarang macem CCS ato Tsubasa koq kayaknya -_-" yah. Kemana Clamp yg berdarah2, horor tiada akhir, melankolis dangdut india seperti dulu T_T
Oh iyaa, ini komik dibagi jadi 2 bagian :
1) Count Cain Saga (jilid 1-5)
2) God Child (jilid 1-7)
Nah Count Cain Saga itu dibikinnya agak jebot, gambarnya masih aneh. Terus abis bikin Count Cain 5, pengarangnya Hiatus, bikin Angel Sanctuary (cerita yg gak kalah psycho, favorit gw sepanjang masa, entar gw post de reviewnya XD). Setelah Angel Sanctuary tamat dan 7 taun berselang, barulah dia ngelanjutin Count Cain Saga dengan judul baru : God Child. Gambarnya jauhhh sangat berubah,jadi gothic abis tiada tara, hihihi.
Kalo yg Count Cain Saga gw punya Scanlationnya jilid 1-5. Kalo lo mau entar gw kirimin lewat email. Kalo yg God Child, berhubung udah licensed, terpaksa beli, hiks. Dulu saking freaknya gw punya yg edisi jepangnya, God Child 4 buku terakhir, ahiahiahaia. Cuman bs nangisbombay liatin gambarnya, berhubung jepun nya masih ngeja, dan bahasa di dalem buku ini teramat sulit dan puitis. AKhirnya yg ketangkep cuman kata2 : "Shinde!" (die), "Koroshite!" (kill), "Seppun" (kiss), "Kuchizuke!" (kiss), ama kalimat penutup : "anata wa hitori de eien no ..." (you will be alone forever) hauhahahaha XD XD
@ Sora : eh iya, tambahan,cerita ini ngga cuman SHOUNEN AI ajah, tapi banyak twisted love story yg agak ngacrut macemnya incest, pedofil, necrofil (itu loh yg suka sama orang mati), sadomasochism, etc etc. Eits jangan merinding dulu, ga seserem itu koq, abis digambarinnya dengan berseni dan indah dan NGGAK VULGAR. Thats why i like it the most, cerita yg enggak biasa =).
Tapi shounen ai juga light banget, ga sampe vulgar.Palingan shounen ai 'master-servant' ala Cain-Riff.Halah, cuman pake 'hints kata2 puitis' doang, ga sampe pegang2an koq XD XD.
Disamping itu gw belajar bahwa banyak orang2 di dalem buku ini yg menyampaikan rasa cintanya dalam bentuk yg enggak normal X(. Alexis nyampein rasa sayang ama anaknya Cain dengan cara 'mencambuki' o_O; Jezebel nyampein rasa sayang ama sodara nya Cain dengan cara 'ingin mengambil mata-nya'o_O; Cain nyampein rasa sayang dan posesif ama Riff dengan cara 'harus mati di tangannya dan ga boleh mati di tangan orang laen'o_O.Cuman Riff yg nyampein rasa sayang dengan normal, uhu uhuuuuu, walopun di akhir2nya dia betray.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Cerita ini dalem banget. Psycho tapi sarat makna. Jangan bayangin adegan serem2 kyk di Psychometer Eiji ato komik2 Yaoi (gw mah juga ga berani baca)
@ Fanny : serius mau pinjem ? Level angst nya parah loh, hihihi. Ga bakal bikin nangisbombay, tapi bakal bikin kepikiran terus ;)
@ Ryy : Banyak duit dari Hongkong. Dompet gw jebol gara2 harus bayar VISA ke UK, uhuuu. Lebih mahal VISA nya drpd tiket pesawatnya T_T, disini banyak budget airlines,travel pp ke london bs separoh harga tiket singapur-jakarta XD XD.
Ini ngejebol kartu kredit bokap, hihihi. Bilangnya "mau beli buku yah, harganya cuman 5 pondsterling dah termasuk ongkos kirim" (sengaja ga sebut 'komik', tapi buku). Dikira buku pelajaran kali, makanya dibolehin XD
waaa...ayu bandelll!!! :D:D
tertarik soalnya kayak nya ada bau2 detektif nya. ehehehehe...boleh yaaa?
@ Apret
Yaah, gw dah dibanjirin spoiler. Banyak banget lagi.
Masih perlu baca nggak yaa?
Clamp yang horor bagus (e.g. Petit Cossette)
Clamp yang plot-nya mbulet bagus (kayak X)
Clamp yang kayak Tsubasa RC kayaknya terlalu biasa...
Clamp yang shonen ai (kayak X)...
... nggak suka T_T . Apa asyiknya nonton cowok pegang2an?? Hiss...
Btw, ada suatu 'teorema' kayak begini:
"Di X, satu-satunya cewek cantik adalah Hokuto Sumeragi..."
"...itu pun karena dia mirip Subaru."
dasar, kan sudah dibilang jangan nakal.
jangan lupa kalo kita ada di era jangan nakal sosial nasional internasional antargalaksi.
@ Fanny : Yah elah, masa ga boleh sie? Hihihi. Pasti boleh. Nah cerita gini ni fan yg gw demen, akan kulakukan apapun buat promosiin, hahaha *Apratz Agressive Marketing Campaign = on*
@ Sora : Lah gw kaga ngasi spoiler apa2 koq, review2 di animoster tu yg spoilernya parah, hihihi.Gw kan cuman men-stimulate supaya elo makin napsu, hahaha.Petit Cosette emangnya yg ngarang CLAMP? Gambarnya gothic banget, sugee~~~.
Er Shounen-ai menjijikan mah gw juga geli.Gw sukanya yg light2 tapi sweet macemnya Loveless, Kyou Kara Maou, Yami no Matsuei (ini agak parah XD), X juga lumayan,hihihi. Pokoknya yg banyak bishounen nya. Oh kyknya tiap2 bishounen itu menyentuh hati wanita *sob sob*.
Dulu pas nonton pilem Tokyo Babylon gw pikir Subaru tuh cewe looh. Pas liat di X, baru sadar kalo dia cowooooooo XD XD.Hokuto Sumeragi tuh karakternya terlalu biasa, kalo menurut gw. Kurang bermasalah, ga terlalu complicated. (karakter cewe2 serial cantik XD).Karakter cewe yg gw suka macemnya Cagalli (GS/GSD) ato Haruhi (Ouran High Host Club).
Buahahahahah...Haruhi gitu? That innocent face, those innocent words...kadang2 pengen nempeleng dia deh :D:D
ditunggu pinjemannya, Yu :)
@ Apret
eh iya, tambahan,cerita ini ngga cuman SHOUNEN AI ajah, tapi banyak twisted love story yg agak ngacrut macemnya incest, pedofil, necrofil (itu loh yg suka sama orang mati), sadomasochism, etc etc.
...Dan dunia pun dipenuhi oleh cinta...
...lalala... XP XP
Pokoknya yg banyak bishounen nya. Oh kyknya tiap2 bishounen itu menyentuh hati wanita *sob sob*.
*udah nggak bisa berkata-kata lagi*
:speechless dah gw:
@ Ryy : apret isn't naughty! Naughty kid should be punished! Everybody, Say it with whip! Thee shalt be punished sevenfold! *halah, kena Godchild aftertaste XD*
@ Fanny : Nah justru karna itu Haruhi jadi unik, hihihi.Karakter stoic yg bs ngimbangin cowo2 Host Club yg ngaco XD.Aduh pengen mbahas Ouran jadinya.Blom pernah dibahas ni XD.
@ Sora : Hauhahaha si Sora anti bishies, entar gw bikin list bishie of the week akh,hahaha. Mari penuhilah dunia dengan cinta.Oh indahnya cinta tanpa batasan...
Ini blog gw penuhin gambar bishie ah biar lo ilpil, hauhahaha XD XD
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