Gokil part I
What will you do if :
- There’s only DKK50 in your pocket
- There’s only DKK50 in your pocket
- And all hot meals cost you more than that
- Everyday is banana-day
- Nothing to do except waiting for the Easter break to come
- Presentation (assessment) is finished
- No buddies around (they are busy)
- No buddies around (they are busy)
What I did :
- Went to expensive boutiques around the city- Trying some piece of clothes
- Take pictures of them
Okay Apratz, let’s stop these and back to ‘study’!
I can watch “4 Mata” and “Jomblo TV series” via Youtube. Sweeetttt~~~~
(NTU people will kill me for sure T_T, all the best for exam everybody! I always cross my finger on you! *run*)
kalo aku ni pret :
-nonton empat mata
-nonton jomblo
-donlot2 film dari kaskus pake rapidshare idos hehe
-nonton film hasil donlot
-donlot yg laen2 lagi
ujung2 nya ntar tidur
hehe ...
*shocked* Er Yu...ini di kamar pas? Huhuhu...kesampean juga cita-cita jadi Paris Hilton :P :P
baru di post sebelomnya ngaku bukan narcissist
what'd I do? why, save the world, of course!
Akhirnya ada juga ya "Tukul Show" di Kobenhavn... :D
Selamat, selamat...
~sampaikan pada Pak Tukul bahwa perannya sekarang sudah mendunia :P ~
@ Rizaldi : Huh dasar manusia tanpa passion -_-"
@ Adilla : iye ini di kamar pas, hauhahaha. Kalah tu Paris Hilton, soalnya dia khan nggak foto foto.Btw emang Paris Hilton suka nyobain baju? Bukannya dia apa aja dijamin muat (pendapat nggak penting)
@ Ryy_ : Save the world from cats and penguins, and cats and penguins (btw, are cats actually Microsoft? =p)
@ Sora-kun : -_-". Ga ngapa2in aja koq aku ketawa yah, hauhahaha. Emang tontonan pas buat orang indo yg pada stres, yg disini stres juga nonton, hoho
Pret.... Paris hilton emang nyobain baju ya.... setauku paris hilton ya yang pelem b*k*p itu
Btw kamar gantinya buset dah.... gede amit...!!!!
bukan2 emang pertama yapping penguin2 krn linux, tp soal penguins, cats, and penguins again itu beneran, wangsit waktu bertapa di air terjun tuju warna sambil makan martabak
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