Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Kobenhavn University Around the Corner

I had a rendezvous with fellow Singaporeans today, to eat Greek buffet (again). Since my schedule is too-loose, I met Siang Leng earlier after she finished her class. We were sightseeing around Stroget, and she brought me around to explore Kobenhavn University in a nutshell.

This is a monument located in the frontyard of Economics Faculty. Within this area around, we can sense a strong academic atmosphere since there’re so many nerd-looking people bringing books ^0^.

This is one of the buildings of Kobenhavn University, owned by the Law Faculty. It was the oldest building of the university, and we can see statues of some famous figures that were once studied there (I could only recognize Niels Bohr and HC Oersted, pardon my ignorance).

It’s actually not a building of Kobenhavn University (KU), this is the Vor Frue Kirke (The Church of Our Lady) that was taken from around the side. The church is located just opposite the law faculty.

What’s more? I managed to enter the extravagantly classy library of KU! The interior inside is an eye-candy for frequent daydreamers (or a fantasist like me :p). I felt like spending two or three days camping here to study for the exam, since the ambience was evoking enough to make us ended up studying. Now I realized that NTU library was like a second living hell for students (the 1st one is the exam Hall), especially when the exam period’s crawling nearer *pun intended*.

Vor Frue Kirke (The Church of Our Lady)

This is the n-times I enter the cathedral/church (I have no idea of how to distinguish between those two). Siang Leng refused to take a picture inside since she said it was rather creepy.

The church has a LOT of statues inside (starting from the statues of 12 apostles), and they're all coloured in white. I can understand why Siang Leng feel scary though, since their empty sights seem like pointing at us. And, somebody played the organ once I entered the shrine *shocked*. Uh, okay T_T.

Finally, I was having a greedy lunch with Adelyn, Min Ling, Sam, Terri, Siang Leng, Yi Xin, Yeok Tho and Yee Hong altogether. Adelyn, Min Ling, Sam and Terry intended to surprise me, but I was being cool all the time and busy with my food *sorry guys, this is my proper lunch for the last 3 weeks*, but Siang Leng seemed quite surprise. Today is her birthday, so, Happy B’Day Siang Leng =).

These are the presents I received today. Really loved the necklace Siang Leng gave me; as it’s so simple and sweet. For Adelyn, Terri, Min Ling and Sam, thanks so much for the flowers as well (Min Ling said flowers didn’t fit my image, means that I should slightly change my attitude *lol*), and thanks Yee Hong for your cute rabbit ^^.

Thanks so much everyone, who keeps sending me messages, msn, e-mail, e-card, greetings, etc. You really made my day =). Luv you!


Anonymous said...

bangunannya bagus yu...
klo fotonya cuman bangunannya doang mungkin lebih bagus lagi :p

ck ck udah jam 3 pagi masi nungguin (*maksa) orang bikin comment.

sana tidur tidur..

Anonymous said...

oo iya lupa ...

met ulang taun ya!

moga2 tambah sehat & makmur di sono

Anonymous said...

Gimana sih caranya supaya nggak nggak enak mintain tolong orang motoin kita? Kayaknya foto anda banyak sekali, jadi penasaran kok mau ya yang moto, hehe...=p

Oh ulang taun ya... Sekalian, selamet deh. Semoga bisa dapet banyak pelajaran hidup yang berharga di sana, trus jangan lupa tetep sabar n solat :)

ryy_ said...

wah library nya... ck ck ck,
seru kali ya cari2 tempat molor tersembunyi di nook, cranny, sama nook-cranny lib nya.

ada cerita hantu di library?

T said...

glad u liked poking around KU! i love the ancient nerdy air of my school too :)

Apret said...

@ Anonymous : -_-"

@ Radyum : dialog nya gini :
Apret : Sini sini sy fotoin kamu
Orang : wah makasii
Apret : Disebelah sana bagus *jepret*
Di samping sono keren *jepret*
Di blakang sono cool *jepret*
Di depan situ juga bagus banget *jepret*
Orang : thanks
Apret : Sekarang gantian ya, ini kamera saya XD

Hihi, makasih =).Insya Allah tetep sabar dan shalat

@ ryy_ : wah ini banyak tangga tersembunyi banyak ruangan tersembunyi juga, sugoi de
Kalo pun ada cerita hantunya, pasti keren deh, hihi

@ Terri : Terri my dear, I love KU! It's magnificently classic and old. CBS is soo-typical business school. I smell dreadful corporate aura there, it's so depressing T_T

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you like the necklace. :-) See ya real soon! Cant wait for easter trip!

Apret said...

@ SL : I loved it my dear, thanks so much^0^.

London-Italy are waiting for us, hahaha