Saturday, March 17, 2007

Behold, Nanyang Business School Fellows!

3 months onward to our Convocation!

All the best for our Applied Research Project, Job-hunting and the final subjects beyond the gate of graduation!

For Thou who already secured a good job, congratulations, I am proud of you!

For Thou who still struggling with Applied Research Project, all the best, I will cross my finger on you!

See you later at Convocation on July 2007 (as if XD)!

Indo-NTU-Nanyang Business School 2004

Apratz is still jobless, penniless, homeless, and loveless XD XD. Anybody has job-vacancy please tell Apratz!


Adilla said...

Amien2...Tenang aja ya Yu, insya Allah lancar semua kok :).
Kalo kata Einstein, there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.To me, it's miraculous enough to live this life and experience so many things with all of you :).

Reza de Bhro said...

Kalo liat poto2 anak bisnis jadi ngiri.... maklum, anak Eng boro2 make Jas, make baju lengen panjang dimasukin aja baru dua kali. Mo berangkat kerja ato presentasi, bawaan paling mentok jeans ama kaos berkerah, huahuahua....

ryy_ said...

bukannya itu pride nya anak eng yah, buat pake baju asal kapan saja dimana saja.

*sembunyi dari fashion police*

Apret said...

@ Adilla : Oh maapkan aku telah menjadi beban buat kalian smua, trutama ngebebanin kamu(aku free rider projek, tukang kopi projek orang, tukang nyontek tutorial, dan yg lebih jahat, FREE RIDER FYP). I dunno if i can stand this so-called living hell if you are not around guys.Thanks for everything T_T.

@ Bhro : emang bhro, di Business itu ada seleksi tampang Bhro.Sepinter apapun kalo tampangnya gak OK dan proporsional yah ga bakal memenuhi syarat (contoh : muka ganteng tapi ukuran bibir XLLL khan nggak OK, apalagi ukuran perut LLLLLLLL). Nah makanya itu menjelaskan kenapa anak2 bisnis pantes kalo pake suite

*kabur sebelom kena yoko geri*

@ Ryy : Huah Fashion disaster, sini kauuuuuu *You're Under Arrest mode* (bawa bazoka, mata keluar api, sambil injek2 gedung)

Pengen deh gw dandanin elo.Ala Goth-Loli tapinya, hauhahahaha
