Friday, March 09, 2007

I am not more than a mediocre student, I know my limit.

Never be on the top three during Primary and Secondary School, always on the bottom three during High School era, still on the bottom during University life. I am just a stubborn being, gifted by countless of luck from my benevolent God. It is all solely because of You.

I should spend 5 hours more on studying if people do it for 1 hour.

Be serious, Apratz!
Be more persistent to study!
Coz you are different from those superiors.


Reza de Bhro said...

Me too...
Hikss... hikss.... kapasitas perut ane gede tapi otak seupil....

~Rakyat Jelata~

dina said...

org2 yg g ngerasa superior biasanya lebih superior dari apa yg mereka kira lo..

i know u both then i know how superior u are :)

yoga.oksida said...

Everyone are unique in their own way.

Kayaknya tiap orang punya superiority dan inferiority masing2 deh. Tidak untuk disesali...

Apret said...

@ Rakyat Jelata : heh ngaku rakyat jelata lagi, terancam gak ngeliat matahari pagi kau!! Jelas2 kapasitas otak melebihi perut. Lecture isinya skip ama molor dapetnya A plus. Oh saya benci orang2 seperti anda. Ini tidak adiiill. Saya benciiiiiiii *puter2 tiang*

@ Dina : Im superior... in sleeping, in eating, in procrastinating, in rubber watch (jam karet, bhs inggrisnya apa yah). Oh i love myself XD XD

btw thanks anyway=)

@ Damar : huu ini gw kirain si Yoga, sejak kapan Yoga ngeblog.Ga taunya Damar.Hahaha. Tidak disesali koq.Ditulis cuman sebagai cambuk untuk peringatan (halah bahasanya -_-").thx for coming =D