Friday, March 23, 2007

Oh-My-Lousy Indonesian Passport

UK Visa costs me DKK575
Czech Visa costs me DKK217
Slovak Visa costs me DKK260

Balance in my wallet DKK50

Shall I go to Bratislava? *teardrops*

*singing* And everyday is just banana, slices of French bread, and banana, and slices of French bread, and banana, and slices of French bread, and did I mention banana?

Indonesia is one of the (in)famous 3rd world countries with two digits percent of unemployment rate, yet our passport is extremely inflexible, and even still have to pay fiscal tax for Thou intend to go overseas. This is a robbery T_T!*cuttingthroat*


ryy_ said...

aww aren't we Indonesian just too cute not to squeeze off our gold?

nesnesnes said...

I don't think Bratislava is worth paying the Slovak visa for, hehehe...

Apret said...

@ Ryy_ : cute dari hongkong X(, eh maksudnya apa si gw jadi bingung, hihi.Japri ya XD

@ nesnesnes : if thats so then i wont be going (better spend more time in Prague and make the full use of the VISA =p).thanks nes