Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Be My Valentine, the suspicious one, Le Louche

Note : For thou who aren’t very familiar with Code Geass : Lelouche of The Rebellion, the story tells about Lelouche Lamperogue/Lelouche Vie Britannia, a banished royal prince and an avenger, who obtain the power to command people whilst no one can defy him. He uses this cursed gift to destroy Britannia Empire in order to avenge his late mother and sister.

Lelouche as 'Zero'

Congratulations, Lelouche Vie Britannia for being the champion of monthly best character(s) according to Japan Newtype Magazine February edition. May this award will trigger your passion and desire to crush off the empire of Britannia. The second place is pretty much expected, the God in Gundam universe Mr. oh-so-righteous Kira Yamato (I do feel irritated with him, though I share his pain and misery throughout the whole episodes of Gundam Seed).

Mein Gott, a main protagonist with the excessive sense of justice yet mindless and naive is so yesterday! The world needs a more problematical protagonist, a miserable anti-hero, an absolute cynical and totally insane Utopian who lived within his idealistic point of views. Death Note’s Yagami Light and Geass’ Lelouche Vie Britannia are the pioneers of the new-age protagonists. They both possess the divine characteristics to control the world. Unexpected, intelligent, psychotic and tyrannical, those will definitely generate a special formula to construct the fantastic plot and splendid twists.

A pitiful Suzaku Kururugi

In contrast, people who deal with righteousness tend to be the main antagonist! Oh my, I feel sorry for Suzaku Kururugi, as he is sooo Kira Yamato *bleh*. He is an utterly perfect thing; gorgeous, kindhearted, selfless faithful being, it’s just too good too be true. For the sake of my guilty pleasures, such character can no longer be a main character and should abandon his used-to-be glorious past (when the strongest yet most compassionate stands as a sole hero). You have dreamt too much, Suzaku! Well, audience tastes and preferences may change overtime.

The Black Prince and the White Knight ^^

Further, I still heart the old formula of best friends become sworn enemies. Unlike the old recipes in Naruto or Gundam Seed, the pairings Lelouche-Suzaku depicts some noteworthy symbols. Lelouche, is always associated with the darkness (his infamous title is the ‘Black Prince’), despair, hatred and nothingness (as he baptisized himself as ‘Zero’, the leader of the rebellion force against the empire), Suzaku, however, represents light (his given designation is the ‘White Knight’ as contrast to Lulu’s), chastity, hope and faith.

Hm, this seemingly literary criticism article for me is written to commemorate the newborn of the new age anti-hero in the anime/manga universe. But given the fact that the damn sassy Lelouche is so adorable, I present this article to him. Happy Valentine, Lelouche!

*Le Louche means ‘the suspicious one’ in French*


Anonymous said...

now, who'll die first?

suzaku? lulu?
both at once, arm in arm? (!)

or would they just stop throwing cakes, rocks, confetti, or what not at each other, and just eat the cake instead? (maybe over a cup of tea or two, under the stars, ack)

Apret said...

Lulu bakal mati duluan! Mati bersama dengan idealisme nya dan hancur bersama kruntuhan Kerajaan Britannia, just like Kira-Sama in DeathNote XD.

Yang bunuh Lulu bakalan Suzaku, terus Suzakunya makin sering berserk, makin depresi, terus lama2 jadi gila dan terobsesi Lulu.

Ahh, Life is beautiful!

Terus si C.C. pake Geass, menciptakan fenomena "Deus Ex Machina", dimana dia sendiri mati, terus Clovis idup lagi, Cornelia,Euphemia,Lelouch, Orange-kun, Nunnaly, Empress Marianne, semuanya idup lagih.

Terus smua berjalan normal seperti sedia kala.Terus Lulu ktemu SUzaku, kenalan, terus jadi cerita Shounen-Ai

Oh indahnya apabila Deus Ex Machina bener2 terjadi XD XD

Anonymous said...

"The world needs a more problematical protagonist, a miserable anti-hero, an absolute cynical and totally insane Utopian who lived within his idealistic point of views."

Shinn Ashka, anyone? :)

(lebih suka 'Ashka' daripada 'Asuka' :P) Sayang tenggelam di bawah bayang2 Kira... :o

Btw, si Lelouche itu gayanya mirip Kamui di X. Kebetulankah? Apa Code Geass banyak shonen ai-nya juga ya? ~_^

Apret said...


Well Shin for me, sorry to say, is not more than a sassy brat X(.Sebenernya karakternya bisa bagus, kalo Kiranya ngga nongol,ahahaha. Mending ge Athrun. HIDUP ATHRUN!!!! Realistis banget tuh orang =p, namun shiyal, GSD memutuskan hubungan Cagalli-Athrun,huhuhuu.APaan tuh Meyrin, dodol.Ga ada cocok2nya ama AThrun X(.

Lelouche emang senga abis =p,tapi dia ngga menunjukkan gejala2 haus belaian pria kyk Kamui di X =p. Dia realistis bgt kyk Light.Chara designnya Code Geass ini CLAMP.Pantes aja mirip.Code Geass nggak ada shounen ainya sama sekali.Critanya mirip2 Gundam.Pairingsnya banyak, tapi cewe cowo dg multiple pairings.Hahaha. Nonton gih nontooonnnn XD

Anonymous said...

Weh... donlot dari mana? Ntar deh gw cari kalo ada yg punya. :)

Iya, sebetulnya Shinn itu bisa jadi keren. Hero yg kerjaannya menderita terus :P (dari kehilangan ortu, ditinggal Stellar, dll). Sayang potensi 'keren'-nya jadi tenggelam gara2 sok cool-nya si Rey + Kira's being godlike :DD .

Athrun malah dibikin playboy. Ada Cagalli, Meer, Luna, Meyrin... Kok gw jd males mengidolakan Athrun ya? *kecemburuan sosial* :P

Btw, komen lo yg no.2 kisahnya RahXephon banget lho :biggrin: (bercanda :D )

Ntar cari Code Geass ah. Btw, nice article :) .