Apratz is indeed an explosive bohemian, temperamental procrastinator (so don’t ever ask her about her Applied Research Project right now as she can be so sickeningly grumpy about it, and do not touch her, otherwise you should run for your life!).
But once Apratz turns in Hyddicted mode, she can be so lovably sweet! From just watching one of Laruku’s PV with her delightful Hyde on it, she is easily enlightened and ready to portray thousands of inspiration beyond her mind. Apratz is now forgetting about her ARP for awhile.
Sadly speaking, Apratz doesn’t think that she produced a good art, though she watched ‘Dive To Blue’ PV for couple of times. Apratz thinks that her art is an utter disappointment, since the guy inside doesn’t resemble Hyde from that particular PV so much.
Apratz : “^^%^%&%^%^%!!”
And here Apratz is, more petulant than before (the graph of her bad mood increases exponentially). I warn you, don’t start speaking with her unless you are ready to be cursed for 7 generations. Perhaps sending her a bucket of flower for funeral will be very much appreciated.
By the way, PV stands for Promotional Video.NB. Yuck, the image is dark, really suits Apratz's mood =S
Dear Apret, how's your ARP? :P
*udah gak petulant lagi kan?* :D
Halo Prets... akhirnya setelah sejak dulu suka ngintipin doang, gue meninggalkan pesan juga di blog lo, hehehe... Belom berangkat ke "negeri-di-sana-itu" tho?
Mbah, maap ga liat komennya, hihi. Tinggalin comment yg rajin dunkz akh.
Udah sampe ke negri sono koq, sile dinikmatin poto2nye XD
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