Monday, August 14, 2006

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Suikoden V : Deadly series that become my current favorite game

I intend to finish my Suikoden V during my (damn only 2 weeks) holiday. Unfortunately, its twisted and terrific storyline required gamers to spend more than 80 hours in order to obtain the best ending. Though I failed to complete it, I dare to say that Suikoden V is the most fabulous game for me, even surpassed its previous wonderful series (Final Fantasy series shall go somewhere across the universe =P).

Reasons why Suikoden V is fabulously fantastic:
(This is my own version, so any complaints will be totally ignored =P *spoiler alert*)

1) The Prince (the main protagonist) is so damn hot!
He’s the ultimate bishounen who absorb gamers’ deepest sympathy and condolences ever since he lost his own family, betrayed by the Queen’s knights (as well as his evil brother in law *damn you, Gizel Godwin!*), being accused as a traitor and got separated with his beloved sister Lymsleia *I hate this sassy spoilt brat*. Moreover, if we fail to collect 108 stars of destiny, Lyon, his lovely sworn protector will surely die *sobbing*.
By the way, his novel name is Faroush Falena. He can change more than 3 adorable clothes throughout the game.
2) The Politics
Sol Falena, -The beautiful Queendom which possessed Sun Rune as the national treasure- is being governed by a queen and also being ruled by a monarch with two noble families as its senates; Godwin and Barrows House. These make the story even more interesting. The presence of the ‘Sacred Games’ -a fighting contest to select the Queen’s husband-, the existence of nobles and gladiators as well as the presence of ‘Nether’s Gate’ -the bounty assassins employed by the Queen to get rid of her political enemies- do construct the whole complicated storyline. After all, they’re really deadly formulas to build the good plot.
3) The War Strategy
Lucretia Merces, the strategist in this series is really vicious. Her breathtaking battle strategies are really superb, though sometimes out of mind. I never find myself entertained this much when experiencing the war battle. Could you imagine, a strategist orders your army to leave your headquarters, uses the Prince as bait, and controls many other sinful plans? The only one having those horrendous plans is only Lucretia, so hail her =p!
4) The Prince’s Doppelganger
The prince has a double, and this time gamers really cannot distinguish between the real prince and his doppelganger, since they are truly similar! His name is Roy and he is in fact a thug. He hates the Prince, since he loves Lyon. In the middle of the game, if we insist not to leave headquarter, Roy will disguise himself as a prince and die when defending the castle. I think this is the best scene of the game so far.
5) The Duel
My goodness, the one in one duel often makes me super nervous. Gamers should control themselves to be cool, swift and calm at the same time when it comes to the duel. If we choose the wrong instruction, we’ll definitely lose it. I just cannot elaborate more about this aspect as you should experience it yourself.
6) The War : Ground/Naval Battle
This is really fascinating. You have your cavalry, infantry, rune archer, magician and other special forces. My blood of youth is boiling as soon as the battle commenced. I love to slaughter enemy’s army using Rune Archer and Cavalry units, and always get ‘Victory+’ points in the end of the combat. My favorite quote in this battle is: “Everybody, CHAAAARGEEE!”.

There’re still so many features that make Suikoden V astonishingly wonderful, the music, both lovable and peculiar characters, unique towns, but really I cannot mention it more than this since it’s redundant already =P.


Adilla said...

Bagusss...Yang Arslan2 itu gambarnya kayak apa ya? Hehehe...

Apret said...

Baguuuus dunkz...

Entar yg Arslan dibahas juga.. hehehe

Btw kenapa diriku selalu tertarik dg cerita2 ttg 'miserable Prince', hohoho

Adilla said...

Iya ya Yu? Bukannya mau bikin tentang ce cantik, desperate, selalu patah hati, kriminil waktu itu?:P Hihi...trus pasangannya miserable prince deh :D. Gimana? Ada bayangan gambarnya kayak apa? :D :D

Apret said...

Eh iya loh bener. Kayaknya gw ngerasa kalo gw ini mirip banget ama tokoh2 komik di serial cantik. Hehehe. Tipe cewe manis XD, ceria XD, tapi bolot, desperate, pathetic dan kriminil *koq banyakan jeleknye* -_-". Nah seringnye di ending2 suka dapet Prince Charming. Huahaha. Bikin yuks dil yg begituan.. (autobiografi ngaco -_-")

Adilla said...

Huahahaha...boleh juga Yu, cuma kok ceritanya ntar jadi kayak Itazura na Kiss ya? Gak papa deh...Cuma aku gak ada plot.Huhuhu..dasar gak kreatif :P
Mau dibikin ala teenlit gituh? :D

Anonymous said...

It's a good game yeah