Thursday, August 31, 2006

Rubbish Trivia II ^^

Well, somebody has saliently challenge me to prove whether my current haircut really does resemble Hyde's. *beep beep* (sign of gigantic meaninglessness -_-") In order to induce all my honorable readers, please do take a look to those cutesy wutesy photos below =P:

Photo I : Apret (courtesy of @-PratZ'2006)

As you can see, this is my daily common appearance : an ordinary girl with her simple ordinary life. The haircut doesn't look like imitating him. But anyway, the photo is super cute, isn't it?^^ *beep beep beep* (signal of acute narcissism).

Photo 2 : PraZ (courtesy of @-PratZ'2006)

Next, take a look at this one. Perhaps this image really rings a bell, specially when you recalled about the traffic jam in Jakarta hectic night. Yes, you right, the street performer in the traffic light! Just add in sun-glasses, then you will know why! -_-" (What a cheapskate joke! That gorgeous face won't be a such!).

Perhaps I should consider for being a crossdresser, for the sake of my manly appearance -_-". Yay, i have a bishounen-look! *overly excited*

Readers, this is my second personalities, a melancholic boy with his pragmatic life! *clap clap clap*

Photo 3 : PraaZt (courtesy of @-PratZ'2006)

Hoho, this image has really shown notorious eyes and rebellious face. It reminds me of some gorgeous J-Rock band personnels with similar infamous hairstyle =P.

Lastly my honorable readers, this is my third personalities, a maverick rock band personnel with his upside-down life! *clap clap clap*

Now I'm sure you could distinguish that 'counterfeit haircut' that we're referring to ^o^. Have you convinced yet?

&^%##%^&*((*^$# !!!!!

Aarghhhhh, enough with this insanity! I still have mountanious tasks to be done by the end of this week : literature review of my Applied Research Project, torturing readings and essays of my Literature modules, project presentations and strategic planning Online Games! (collapsed *_*)


A.H. said...

giling... jpop/preman pose banget... *mengangguk-angguk tanda percaya*

Anonymous said...

ya ampyuuun...

kiyyuuuttt bang-gheeeett...

Yuk yak yyyuukkk...

Apret said...

To Bro Aussie : Enak aje preman... Itu pose J-Rocker tau. Huu abang si memprovokasi sy buat bikin postingan gak jelas iniii -_-" (tpi akhirnya percaya juga khan XD)

Btw asik asik punya tampang Bishie^^ *self proclaimed mode = on*

Apret said...

To 'Tau dong siapa' : Huhu, kagak... kagak tau.. Siapa sih ente? Ngaku dunkz, tidak jantan nih ente =P

Adilla said...

Atas dasar kemanusiaan dan karena didemo...:P :P jadinya komen deh :D. Bagus juga posenya...Diambil pake 6600 kan?Hihi..gile Ayu niat abisss :P

Anonymous said...

Hihihi... lagi kena severe narcisus syndrome ya mbak?

Anonymous said...

itu gw Yu, pengen iseng aja. Tapi bener, keren kok. Jadi mirip potongan rambut artis Mandapop (soalnya klo artis J-pop atau J-rock, gw jarang lihat)

Apret said...

To Adilla : iya dunkz niat, khan dalam rangka mempertinggi harga diri *geje -_-"* Org kalo cakep mah diapain juga cakep XD

To Tegar : Haha, kalo aku jd cowo kamu kalah ganteng dunkz =P (hehe bercanda). Asik dibilang keren ^^ (sampe komen 2x gt Tegar =P, jd ga enak)

Apret said...

To Damar : engga koq cuman kena penyakit "baru sadar kalo ternyata keren" ato bahasa kerennya "Self proclaimed cool-self".. Huahaha..

Btw IA yg bener Mas, buka2 blog orang lg di tempat kerja XD!

Unknown said...

wah~~ aku mau digaya potong rambut ngikutin hychan, namun apa dayaku...

tapi potongannya lucu, keren, J-Rock banget~