Monday, November 19, 2007

Joy to the World, Weekend Has Come!

Last friday I catched 'Stardust' in The Cathay after working hours. I went with couples of abnormals -typical stressed over work and stressed over exams people-, except myself by the way. I wondered with some guys who still had exam period by next week but they (as if) committed suicide by going for a movie. Fortunately exam for me is so yesterday *laugh frantically*, instead, I need to do neverending projects everyday *turn laugh into tears* .

these are the Freaks

'it is here', 'it is there', 'it is cold!'

Anyway, for thou who hath seen Stardust and played Final Fantasy series, I want to share something (not so) interesting. If you notice the Sky Pirate in Stardust, did it resemble the Sky Pirate in Final Fantasy XII ? And what's wrong with the Captain character, he is soo Balfear (minus the freaking scary fetihism of course). Afterwards the shape of the ship really embodies the flying ship in Final Fantasy IX. These are solely my commenting, done without any research, so please don't bother to make rebuttals. I think Neil Gaiman himself is an RPGamer :p.

Please don't try this at home!


ryy_ said...

Selamat anda membuat saya penasaran nonton Stardust. (...tapi musti festival dulu)

memang nasib orang yg jarang nonton itu begitu yah, ga tau film bagus apa yang sedang beredar.

Fanny said...

siapa yang dah nonton Stardust, dan ga bilang itu keren?? wahahahahahaha.

*ketawa sinis padahal mau exam*

Anonymous said...

"....I wondered with some guys who still had exam period by next week but they (as if) committed suicide by going for a movie..."

maksud lo???????? kak nanis kan??? huohohohohohohoho


Apret said...

@Ryy_ :

Hohoho, gw juga tadinya agak skeptical, tapi ini yg ngarang Neil Gaiman man! *pun intended*. Novel2nya dia wajib baca, begitu pula pilem2nya.

Alah lo mah taunya Haruhi Suzumiya doang, dasar tsundere lover X(

@Fanny :

It was cool, even though it was gross, super gross *bleh*. hahaha

Selamat exam! Jadi inget masa muda :p

@Ano :

Iyaah, kak Nanis, sama satu orang lagi ituh yg tak bisa disebut namanya XD

Adilla said...

Hihihi...bizarre "combination" :P. Nganu, mau ber-Enchanted ria? ;)