Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Suikoden III : Between the Manga and the Game

I spent the last 10 days in Jakarta, Indonesia in purpose to take brief vacation before start working permanently. The Ramadhan in Jakarta feels so real and apparent as one can easily find religious program in almost all TV stations everyday, especially right before breaking the fast or during the sahur time. I sense emptiness eversince I went back to Singapore, as I couldn’t find similar things in here.

My one of the best RPG in Playstation 2

I waste my time to replay my Suikoden III and choose Hugo as my ‘Flame Champion’ (previously it was Geddoe that I picked) as the review somewhere on the net has stated that the different Flame Champion chosen will change our entire perception toward the storyline. And it surprisingly true.

The manga, simply wonderful and detailed

The thing is, I also read the Suikoden III manga by Aki Shimizu (which made me broke since the books are quite expensive *_*), and I noticed quite major differences amidst the plot. Honestly speaking I fancy the manga more than the game in terms of storyline. Below are some differences that I managed to take note:

1) In the manga, Zexen Knights led by Salome has committed coup’d’etat in Zexen Federation and arrested the Council while in the game, out of nowhere the Zexen Federation joins forces with Grasslanders and never mentions the corrupted Council anymore.

2) In the manga, the Great Hollow of the Lizard Clan was finally fallen to Holy Harmonia Army while in the game, the place is safe and sound.

3) In the manga, Caesar Silverberg even flooded the Duck Village in order to slow the Holy Harmonia Army and make the ways for refugees from Grassland, while in the game, the place is still safe and sound.

4) In the manga, Albert Silverberg is the strategist of Bishop Sasarai, before he deceives Sasarai in the end and joins forces with the masked bishop, while in the game Albert sides with the masked bishop since the beginning.

5) In the manga, Bishop Sasarai is truly powerless and nearly dies after he lost the True Earth Rune. He’s almost killed by Yuber before Nash Clovis comes and rescues him. The whole army of Holy Harmonia is taken from him by the order of Hikusaak, while in the game, it makes no differences that Sasarai lost his Rune or not, since he is still fresh and powerful as ever and leads the whole army of Holy Harmonia.

6) In the manga, Luc replaces Sasarai as Bishop and takes his whole army unit by the order of Lord Hikusaak (in order words, he controls Harmonian Army!) while in the game he goes quartet with Yuber, Albert and Sarah without Harmonian Army.

7) In the manga, Franz is accused for being traitor and facing death sentence by making contact with Geddoe Cs, while in the game, Franz salvages the whole Le Buque people by informing the Fire Bringer and Flame Champion to help him.

8) And so on and so forth (I couldn’t remember because it is too many)

Overall, I enjoy both as they complement each other. And my all time favorite Military Genius in Suikoden Universe is Caesar Silverberg (felt sorry for Lucretia Merces or Shu).

Suikoden II ending that breaks my heart ;_;

Nevertheless, this game didn’t succeed to make me cry a night and day as I did on its previous predecessors, Suikoden I and II. Though the fact that Luc is becoming a bad ass hurts me, since he was my favorite mage in the previous installments. I shocked so badly when getting the bad ending of Suikoden II, especially when Jowy dies! (FYI my email id Camus of Matilda is derived from the finest gentleman in Suikoden II *grin*).

Gorgeous FF XII with worst dungeon system *_*

And I prefer to replay my Suikoden III instead of continuing my Final Fantasy XII just because it is getting draggy and too long! I even have forgotten my main mission throughout the game since I was too busy doing Hunting to collect money, and the dungeon is super long *bleh*. I must admit that I was enchanted by the beginning of the game but after painful long walk from one dungeon to another, I feel sick *_*. But I promised myself to finish this, since I never ever managed to complete Final Fantasy series (it is always stuck in the last Boss Battle, mentioned Kuja or Sephiroth).

In conclusion…

Sometimes I questioned myself of being overly attached with fictional characters. And my conclusion is because their character is so strong, and the development is very well, quite sometimes it is impossible for a normal human being to behave like that. Most of the time they become reflections of ideal self made by human being; a selfless hero, a tragic antagonist or a miserable anti hero. And the more strong the character, the more I feel like knowing them since so long.

And I deny the assumption that gamers are childish; as it is horrendous stereotype made by circumstances around. RPGamers, to be more exact are mostly the thoughtful and tactful type since they are used to any kind of wars, conflict of the throne, tactical battle, and any other type of combat resulting countless of victims (so let’s think to minimize the casualties in every case we’ve encountered in our life!). I always respect the responsible gamers, who are able to balance their time to play as well as to socialize in the society. I hope that someday gaming as hobby is as prideful as playing golf as a hobby.


A.H. said...

"they are used to any kind of wars, conflict of the throne, tactical battle, and any other type of combat resulting countless of victims (so let’s think to minimize the casualties in every case we’ve encountered in our life!)"


ryy_ said...

jadi tinggal chris yg belom pernah dapet giliran jadi flame champion? (gw tinggal geddoe belom)

ada satu yg di game nya yg ga bisa dicontoh manga nya: jalan2 keliling istana buat buang2 waktu, istana suikoden 3 cantik banget si.

Apret said...

@ aussie haryono :

A denial? Hey i speak the truth! :p
You are an RPGamer yourself, am i right? :p

@ ryy_ :

iyah, tinggal Chris, tapi rada males pake Chris abis skill Fire nya paling lemah sie,hahaha. Trauma juga pake Chris pas ngelawan Sarah, dibantai abis2an sampe berbelas belas kali >.<

Hahaha Bathing scene nya juga ga bisa digantiin XD sama ganti2 kennelnya Koroku, sama Play nya Nadir, well, thats a lot XD

Anonymous said...

aaaa jadi pengen maen lagiii >.<

A.H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ehm... *batuk-batuk dikit*

penggemar RPG telah kembali ke habitatnya. welcome home, sis. :)

tapi yang masih saya herankan, kok masih selalu teringat-ingat dengan kematian Jowy ya ? ada apa gerangan ?

boleh nebak ? waktu Jowy mati kayaknya Apret nangis sampai tumpahin air mata 2 liter, tul nggak ? :)

Soal Suikoden III, tolong ya mbak, Chris itu jagoan saya di Suikoden III, jadi jangan dijelek-jelekkan. Dia itu manis dan imut dan kalo bisa semua True Rune bisa dipasang di satu orang, semuanya kuberikan sama Chris yg cakep :) , tapi bajunya itu lho yang bikin nggak tahan. Kesatria cewek ? :)

Dan saya juga setuju kalau Cesar Silverberg itu tactician yang paling jago di Suikoden. Tapi tukang pukul paling jago itu Georg (sama dgn tukang pukul paling jago di FF : Auron).

FF XII nggak begitu banyak yang suka. Teman-teman saya yang pencinta FF banyak yg nggak suka FF XII. Alasannya : battle-nya aneh. Saya main sampai habis dan menurut saya battle-nya lumayan, tapi endingnya payah-yah-yah... Square sama sekali nggak kreatif bikin ending. Huh.. menyebalkan. :)

*suikoden V belum finish jg nih... sialan*

Hoooiiii.... makan-makannya nih :P

ryy_ said...

mas fertob, saya kurang setuju klo dibilang tukang pukul paling jago seantero suikoden itu mas georg. menurut saya yg pantas adalah mas juan dan mbak emily (suikoden III) max-in swing sama continual attack mereka, terus damage sama heavy damage, sudah deh invincible tuh, boss akhir ga perlu pake rune kecuali buat healing.

Apret said...

@ Anonymous :

Silahkan maen lagi,pasti persepsi anda berubah deh XD

@ aussie haryono :

Ogah, im a solitary gamer. Maen Dota isinya dibantai orang ama diketawain orang,mana ga ada ceritanya pula, ga bisa nangisbombay (yg ada nangisbombay villagernya abis kena bunuh), bleh. Udah sering coba Dota di warnet Indo,kyk orang bego dibantai terus >.<

"any kind of wars, conflict of the throne, tactical battle, and any other type of combat resulting countless of victims"
Yoi dunk, liat di Buku Taunan angkatan sy deh, cita2 sy kan RPG-maker dan Master of Storyteller. Shakespeare here i come XD *ditimpuked*

@ Fertob :

ehm... *batuk-batuk dikit*
batuk? minum obat batuk gituuu

boleh nebak ? waktu Jowy mati kayaknya Apret nangis sampai tumpahin air mata 2 liter, tul nggak ? :)

nangisbombay bang, bermalam malam, sampe ngulang game dan jowynya idup pun belum puas, akhirnya ngulang dapet perfect ending 4x baru puas, huuh >_<

Chris itu jagoan saya di Suikoden III, jadi jangan dijelek-jelekkan

wah ampun bang,sejujurnya sy juga seneng ama Chris, abisnya segerombolan cowo ganteng nempel ke party dia semua XD (Nash, Fred Maximillian, Borus, Percival), mana duitnya paling banyak, jadi bisa rekrut Watari, hahaha.

Tukang pukul paling jago bukannya Pesmerga yah? Georg juga sih,hehehe. Kalo di FF yg jelas bukan Queena, ilfil XD.

Battlenya membosankan nggak sih bang FFXII itu? Bagus si, tapi sy tetep prefer FF biasa. Ending? Eits jangan spoiler,hehehe. Padahal double Basch itu udah merupakan breakthrough, tapi ternyata endingnya cliche yah? Coba dibikin ga cliche, kyk Vaan dan Basch akhirnya memulai hidup baru nun jauh dari Dalmasca dan Arcadia *ditimpuk*

Suikoden V bagus banget. Layak disandingkan ama Suikoden II menurut saya =D.

Iyaaa mari makan2. Abang pake kabur ke bandung si, hehehe. ENtar de bang libur natalan kalo abang ga mudik itu juga XD

Apret said...

@ Ryy_ :

wah tukang pukul ku berbeda2
Suiko 1 = Pesmerga kali yah
Suiko 2 = Pesmerga dan Georg
Suiko 3 = Edge dan Borus
Suiko 4 = err
Suiko 5 = Richard dan Georg

pemenangnya Pesmerga dan Georg,horeeee

etja said...

tukang pukul paling jago tetep Georg lah..Hidup georg :D
n magic user paling jago

Anonymous said...

@ ryy_

Betul, kalau soal continual attack, heavy damage dan lain-lain, Georg (Suikoden V) masih kalah sama Richard, Belcoot, dan malah sama Nikea. Di suikoden lama, juga masih kalah sama Borus atau Pesmerga. Tapi ada yang menarik dari Georg ini.

Sepanjang saya memainkannya di Suikoden V, Georg selalu (hampir selalu) mengeluarkan Killer Rune-nya. Perbandingannya bahkan 3:1 (3 x pukul, 1 x instant death). Apa saya yang lucky atau ? :) Bahkan Monster-Boss saja pernah kena Killer rune-nya. Apa nggak gila tuh ?

Di skill-nya saya pasang Agility (S) dan dia bisa mukul 3 kali berturut-turut dan salah satunya kena instant death, sementara 2 yang lain kena Critical Hit. Apa nggak gila juga tuh ? Atau cuma saya yang seperti itu ?

Tapi sayang magic defense-nya memang payah-yah-yah....

@ Apret :

hehehe... Yup, suikoden II & V memang yang paling bagus. Suikoden IV paling payah. Tapi waktu Jowy mati, saya cuma bisa merenung : apa memang harus mati ? akhirnya diulang dan memang bisa juga nggak mati.

*nggak sampai ngulang 4x lho..* :P

FF XII nggak terlalu enak jalan ceritanya. Masih lebih bagus FF VII dan FF X. Tapi temanya FF XII stereotip banget, sama dengan FF X.

Battle-nya lumayan enak kok. Tapi ada yang menyebalkan dari FF XII, saya nggak bisa dapat senjata terkuatnya : Zodiak Spear. Sial, syaratnya banyak banget, dan awal-awal saya sudah dilanggar.

Yang menyebalkan lagi, Esper Ultimanya sulit didapat. Jalannya berbelit-belit, bikin bete dan kehilangan orientasi.

Dan endingnya itu lho.... Kayaknya Square perlu minta petunjuk sama Apret buat bikin ending yg bagus buat serial FF-nya. :P gimana, tertarik ?

Eh, liburan natal & tahun baru nanti, saya malah pengen pulang ke Sorong/Papua. Kalau nggak jadi ke Sorong, bisa jadi ke Singapura :) (hoax lho...) Maklum, pengen cari jodoh di Sorong... huahahaha....

ryy_ said...

mas fertob, saya setuju klo georg _sangat_ kompatibel dengan killer rune, tp konfig anda musti dicoba karena georg saya ga sehaus darah georg anda.

Ohiya, tentusaja magic def. nya lemah banget. saya bawa georg lawan sun rune incarnation, rencananya buat melee, saya taro di paling depan sendirian (pake formasi illusion). akhirnya?

jadi pancingan, dibunuh tiap turn, untung ada eresh bisa revive. Well, paling gak karena dia jadi pancingan jeane, lyon, sama prince aman. tp kasian, ego nya pasti jatoh banget, makanya eyepatch nya dibuang kali ya.

kita musti sering2 diskusi strategi nih.