Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Chrono Cross : A Question from the Amok Flows of Time

Currently playing this, since I haven’t completed it in the past. Chrono Cross is rated 10 by gamespot.com. Tha game is perfect in terms of storyline, graphics, gameplay, and music (Yasunori Mitsuda composed the scores!).

The story follows the 17 years old Serge, a fine young man of Arni fisherman village. When he was doing sort of contemplation in the seashore, suddenly something feels wrong, he saw flashes of past images wandering within his mind and the ocean waves seemingly devoured him until he collapsed at once. Soon after he gained consciousness, he went back to his village just to find the fact that Serge is no longer exist. According to the villagers the real Serge was drowned when he was 7, and his mum died afterwards. Other peculiar things kept on happening until he realized that he was somewhere in another dimension. He needs to go back to his real world in order to claim his very existence. But before that, (as a typical RPG) he will find this and that, and twists here and there. Don’t ask me about the ending since I haven’t completed it yet. For more infos please visit wiccapedia (wiki for witches :P).

The problem is, I played at night during workdays, and the fact that this month is Ramadhan makes things super worst! I should have been practicing religious activities instead of using my spare time to play RPGs. Nevertheless, as long as I don’t miss taraweh and 5 times prayer every day it shouldn’t be a problem *grin*. Since I was in Junior High, Ramadhan will be my busiest time playing game.

... about working?

First day of work is great by the way. Doing basic research stuffs as well as familiarizing myself to the company business and practices. I need to force myself doing number crouching. The problem is, playing RPG eventually makes your mind assaulted with combos blank and blur even though it sharpens your senses. But I love doing market research instead of doing sales job *vomiting blood*. So let’s hoping the best for this.


Adilla said...

I'm praying and crossing my fingers for you. Good luck :D.

ryy_ said...

chrono cross emang musiknya bagus2 /('o')/
mana waktu jamannya graphics nya kerasa cantik banget

dan tentu, congrats dapet kerja yg cocok!

A.H. said...

Wah... Chrono Cross!!! Itu kan game rpg gw kalo pas cuti SMU TN kelas 2,3. Tiap 6 bulan ngelanjutin ceritanya, tapi blon tamat2 juga :P. Eh, lupa deng udah tamat atau belum :D. Kayanya dah lumayan jauh sampe ceritanya complicated gitu. Tapi yg jelas game ini fighting systemnya bagus banget (Y)

A.H. said...

Oh iyaaa karakternya banyak banget dan unik unik... huhu... kangen main game rpg lagi... ga sabar pengen cepet2 lulus yosh...

A.H. said...

oh iya, baru inget, ternyata aku udah tamat!!! yosh... hahaha sori jadi ngejunk di sini. game ini bener2 bikin nostalgic ^^

A.H. said...

argh... gara2 postingan chrono crossmu, akhirnya aku jadi menghabiskan 1+ jam bernostalgia di youtube, wikipedia, dan fansite lainnya >_<. pengen main chrono cross lagiii...

Apret said...

@ Adilla :

Thank you! Im crossing my fingers for u too, hope that u'll get the best ^^

@ ryy_ :

Yasunori Mitsudaaaa. Entah kenapa lagunya yg di Termina selalu ketuker ama lagu nya Xenogears. Banyak banget yg mirip2 hahaha. Kereen.

Terima kasih.Semoga otak sy tidak jebol disini,huhuhu..

@ aussie haryono :

AbANG! Kiasu banget si komen sampe 4. Ini kan bukan maen Board Game, ga ada menang2an walo banyak2an komen. Kiasu!! XD XD Tapi gapapa bang sy suka orang kiasu, sesama orang kiasu kudu saling menghormati XD

iyaaa sy suka bagian elemennya ama stamina nya itu loh. keren banget! Karakternya juga aneh2 tapi banyak yg susah didapetin,huhuhu.

Bang, masi mending orang kuliah, bisa sambil maen game. Drpd orang kerja, hiks hiks.

EHH!! Proud DOTAer ga bole maen RPG, sana bantai aja villager orang2, hush hush XD XD

Anonymous said...

Pretz dah umur segini masih ngegame ja... makanya bentuk wajah lu dah kaya TV segi empat bulat2x...

btw balik lebaran ngak ketemuan dunk bikin halal bihalal....

Kodok Ijo said...

Ah crut, ngaca dunk crut...