Wednesday, October 17, 2007


No, this is not the title of one of Shakespeare’s Masterpiece.

I just experienced devastating event lately. My ex-rummie claimed that she just cut her hair nicely, well done by the senior hairstylist. Given the condition that my hair was so dry and frizzy and messy and so on and so forth, I was so tempted to cut my hair as well. I keep telling myself how I need to reward myself for such hardworking and hardship that I’ve encountered with (that’s bullshit *grin*).

And then I cut my hair.

And then I realized that the cut is so unladylike.

And then I was so depressed!

now it is like this

The cut is really really bishounen-like. I do look like Haruhi right now (minus the adorableness of course *sobbing*)! Now I don’t feel like meeting people at least until 2 weeks from now on.

Okay, perhaps I may look cute if I was a guy, but that doesn’t mean that I want the boyish cut! Luckily Anes gave me hairtonic to stimulate hair growth (and I drink Natur-E everyday!). I want my old haircut back ;_;.

These are my old haircut. I look manly, no? *grin*


ryy_ said...

gak post potongan barunya?

Reza de Bhro said...

Wah.... kayaknya ane musti segera ketemu ente dalam waktu dekat2 ini, hahaha.... Terus mengabadikan potongan rambut ente, hehehe...

Piss :P

A.H. said...

direbonding ajaaaaaa!!


Apret said...

@ Ryy_ :

Ogah, nehi. ntar aja kalo dah gondrong

@ Reza de bhro :

Syuh syuh pergi pergi jauh2, huhuhuhu

@-aussie :

mahal bang, belun gajian X(

Gita said...

kak...nggak dicat lagi kayak dulu itu??

*ngakak abisss waktu diceritain tragedi cat rambut kakak waktu masih di NTU :P

Anonymous said...

cuma satu permintaanku : mana foto rambut barunya ??????

kok nggak pede sama rambut barunya ? ;-) apa ada yang salah ? *jangan-jangan ada pitaknya* XD

Apret said...

@ Gita :

Eh enak aja, keren tau pas aku nge cet rambut. Mirip kyoko fukada, serius. orang2 aja itu pada sirik, dan aku takut jadi terlalu cantik, jadinya balikin item lagih.

@ fertob :

Jangan bang, rahasia perusahaan. ntar naksir lagi *prang bugh duar jegerr*