Saturday, May 12, 2007

Somebody has raised an interesting issue: why my blog turned into periodical traveling journal instead of personal one?

“Even at his most powerless, man’s existence is never without meaning”
(Luc in Suikoden I)

To be honest I hate to bitch about anything damaging both my mind and heart. If something bothers, I shall sleep and forget everything since popular belief said that ignorance is a bliss. But please forgive my insolence; since I need to grief for a moment.

I’m sick of being under-estimated and an oblivious subject. I am just a human being with very limited patience. I hate conflicts so much that I prefer to conform rigidly even though I dislike those. I don’t want to sweat my stuffs over any detrimental issue. I will say yes though my heart says no. I just want to hinder quarrels so badly, and that’s all.

I thought I never looked down at anybody that I met (or at least, am trying hard to), because I notice that everybody has his own strengths and weaknesses. They must be having something that we don’t have, and the same thing applies to us, so why start to compare and claim that one’s the greatest?

I realized that I’m nothing, and still nothing compared to others, but please, there’s no advantage of bitching about my weaknesses and acting as if Thou are the most righteous of all, the infinite individual, the absolute one, the most perfect being, Oh~. We never know what will happen in the future (and what will happen to Thou and me next).

I have met so many superior wannabes, several ungratefuls and plentiful arrogants. It is saddening yet frightening that one can be so proud of oneself while one is actually just a helpless being for the Creator Himself.

I am so upset of myself that I just can nod at something I disgrace (and afterwards laugh at my hopelessness).

I am not powerless. I just wish for harmony to hinder dispute.

And I don’t detest superiors, really.


Anonymous said...

Banyak orang sombong kok di dunia ini... ^^

(pengalaman pribadi)

Dan gw juga seringnya sih pergi jauh-jauh kalau ada orang kayak gitu di sekitar gw. (@_@)"\

I realized that I’m nothing, and still nothing compared to others, but please, there’s no advantage of bitching about my weaknesses and acting as if...

Wah, hajar aja itu mah... =S


"It's not wrong to fight, who's wrong is the one who incites other to fight"

Katanya Lacus sih gitu... terlalu nrimo itu nggak bagus juga lho. ;)

-cheers!- n,_(^_^)

Apret said...

Iya, gw kadang2 bingung, this rotten world is overloaded by those ungratefuls, hiks hiks sedih deh =(

Kalo bisa pergi jauh2 si enak, kalo ngga bisa kan susah juga =S.

Memang mereka2 ini ngajak perang X(.

Gila elo apal smua quotes gitu, hahaha kereeen.Berapa kali nonton tuh supaya hafal XD

ANyway thanks banget yah =). Selamat exam buat elo juga. Semangat!!

Cheers juga ^o^

Anonymous said...

kakak lagi mellow ya?

Apret said...

bukannya mellow, sebenernya lagi BT, cuman karna orang2 yg diomongin dalam tulisan ini suka baca blog ini juga, jdnya dibikin se-mellow dan se-impllisit mungkin XD