Chronicles of The Sins
Adding up to 3 kg within 3 days is a BIG SIN!!!!!!!!!!!Oh, ah, how can this be happened?
Wednesday, 23th May 2007
Anes came to visit me from Vienna. We traveled to Odense, a city whereby Hans Christian Andersen once spent his childhood in such impoverished condition. The cost of the train was lethal (I refused to write in here in order to prevent sudden-heart attack), so I leave it open =p.
HC Andersen's childhood house, they called it 'slump', yet i think it is quite decent
The neighborhood
Random building in Odense. Such a pretty!Contrary to popular belief, most of his so-called beautiful fairy tales are both angst, dark and eerie (same thing happened to Roald Dahl’s). If you happened to watch Walt Disney’s version of The Little Mermaid, then that’s full of modification to suit children’s realm! I heard that the only story with a good ending is The Ugly Duckling (the rests remind me greatly on Kaori Yuki’s grotesque style of writing =S). I shall start to read all of his tales, since they were just sooo-me!
HC Andersen Statue (there're a LOT in Denmark)Sin #1 : I ate the jumbo plate of cheesy Italian pasta in Odense Centrum.Right after exploring Odense, we marathoned to Roskilde,a tranquil little town whereby most of the Danish Royal Families were buried. Afterwards, we returned to Copenhagen.
Roskilde Cathedral
Err, no idea.. perhaps a symbolism of something (but this is listed in the 'Places of Interests') Sin #2 : I finished Anes' big portion of Vienna chocolate cake in 1 day
Sin #3 : McDonald's burger added the list of sins
Thursday, 24th May 2007
This day is the peak of our crazy marathon. We left for Helsingor to visit Kronborg castle. Kronborg castle (or so-called Hamlet Castle) is famous for being a background of Shakespeare’s play titled Hamlet. It was really a vast and very old castle nearby the seashore, a typical castle in role playing games *grin*.
Sin #4 : Eating in Buffet Restaurant and cleaned x number of plates (still 1 digit, don't worry)
Kronborg Castle
Hamlet and Ophelia's statueWe visited Hillerod to see Frederiksborg Castle. This castle is soo-fairy tale! I don’t expect this to be this sweet ^o^.
Frederiksborg Castle
Fountain inside Frederiksborg PaladsLast but not least, we explored Copenhagen within 1 day. Starting from the famous bronze statue of the little mermaid, and ended in Tivoli Garden, one of the oldest amusement parks.
The Little Mermaid, it looks small in this angle...
... but actually its size is similar to normal humanThis statue has been an object of vandalism from such a long time in Copenhagen. Last time a couple of protesters painted it into tasteless pink colour.
Amalienborg Palace
The guards of Amalienborg Palace So actually Denmark's Royal Guard has black colour and British's has red! (the rest remains the same) How about Holland, Spain, Sweden or Norway?
Anes and Apratz @ Nyhavn Copenhagen
I thought Copenhagen resembles Amsterdam so much! It has so many canals inside the city, and people riding bicycle everywhere. The style of building is almost similar as well.
Kongens Have (King's Garden)
@ Night @ the Tivoli =p Sin #5 : Eating long waffel-like with chocolate cream and sugar all over it
After 2 days trip of Denmark, I realized that Denmark is veryyyyy pretty! The ambience is fairy tale-like, and the city is so serene and cool. I am so grateful that I am here (or at least was here!), though the prices are chocking me nevertheless =p.
Friday, 25th May 2007
Anes left for Oslo and here I am all alone, but I had a lunch in Eva’s house in Amager. Her house is damn cozy, I dreamt to have one like hers someday *daydreaming*. Everything in her house was made by Ikea.
Eva and Apratz
Sin #6 : Spoilt by Eva's heavenly Nasi Soto, ate don't-know-how-many portions T_T
She made Nasi Soto for my lunch and the taste is sooo Indonesian *touched*. I should have known her before. She is indeed a cool lady, very smart, critical and open minded (she's once a journalist of one of the prestigious English newspaper in Indonesia)! I am proud to know her (after spending all day chatting in her house, I think I become her loyal fan already *grin*). Thanks to Friendster by the way.
Her 'humanic' little friend cheers the house ^o^
Nasi Soto!!!! Graaaahhh *salivating* I should have lost my weight after painful long walks to 5 towns in Denmark within 2 days (and not added them!). O’ what should I do to redeem my sins T_T?
langsung 3 kg? :P
hey thanks! Hehehe, Aku makan semangkok lagi setelah kamu pulang bareng Anton. Dia doyan soto banget!!
rumahnya HC Andersen kaya kotak ada atepnya.
ada kesan seakan2 klo ternyata... rumahnya portable, ato bisa brubah jadi robot raksasa pembela kebenaran di saat2 genting
*ditimpuk kue coklat*
ada yg tau knapa topinya palace guard itu kaya afro vertikal?
@ Fanny
Iya fan, 3 kg!!! 3 kg!!! TIGA KILOOOOO!!!! AAARRGGHHH *pingsan*
@ Princess :
Wahh! kenapa gak aku abisin aja yah kemaren itu,hihi.Sumpah sotonya enak banget ^o^.I am the one who should say thanks! Thanks so much!
@ ryy_ :
Hehe kyk kotak2 lego yah? Tapi mirip2 gubuk2 di kampung indo juga XD
Brubah! Terus injek2 gedung dan nyemburin api. Halah -_-"
Funky banget itu topi guardnya,hihi.Jangan2 model afro terisnpirasi dr sana XD.Anda tertarik di-afro in?Pengen liat
Yu, tadi juga abis makan soto ayam di Ayam Penyet :P. Bis nonton Pirates nih. Edan, very recommended movie! :lol:
bTw, besok siang take off ke jakarta...hehe..c u at July yah..insya Allah dateng convo nya Ayu :D
Palace-nya bagus :). Aduh, liat mermaid itu kok jd inget cerita tragis si mermaid :'(
@Fanny :
Graaah dun mention Ayam Penyet, Hiks. Kangen T_T, kangen pedesnya itu loh.
Wah aku juga mau liat Pirates \^o^/
Ati2 di jalan Fan. Makasi jadi ga enak, huhu.Mudah2an bisa Convo deh ya, amien. Makasi banget Fan =D
@ Adilla :
Palace yg Frederiksborg itu emang bagus banget.Lebih pantes dibilang Castle karna tua. Kalo Palace kesannya yg mewah gitu, hihi.
Iya patungnya menyedihkan.Kemaren tu patung dijilbabin loh ama protester, huhu.Walopun namanya patung, nasibnya tetep tragis juga X(
Patung Helmet, Ophelia sama Little Mermaid-nya menarik....
Mungkin lebih menarik kalo ada foto ente berpose mirip patungnya, huahuahua.....
Dijamin aku tiap hari mampir non.... :P
*Hamlet and not helmet XD
Eh kemaren patungnya dijilbabin ama Protester XD.
Hoo gampang, pose 'ngesot' doang mah.Entar ditunjukin buat kamu doang de, wakaka.
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