Saturday, May 19, 2007

I finished my exam and unofficially become Bachelor of Business, yay ^o^.

I had my oral exam with sleepless face on Wednesday. It was Organizing Global Market and Trade, and I was very disappointed with the result. Okay, I admit that the grade is not bad, but it didn’t align pretty well with our effort =(. I always have an issue with this, if I put my life after my projects and thereafter have a painful encounter with it, the results must be not as good as those impromptu ones. Afterall, I am really thankful since everything is finished (I don’t want to go snobbish by scolding my grade).

Thank God, it was a perfect finishing touch in my undergraduate lifetime. I made a groupwork with very nice people that I will never forget.


My Danish exam went quite decent surprisingly (thank God^^, and credits to Huixin for being my partner for oral exam!). If you leave your matter(s) to God’s hands while you are still struggling until the end no matter what, He will surely make it well for you. And I entirely believe in this ;).

Afterwards I reward myself with super sweet gift, watching Spiderman 3 with Minling, Adelyn and Huixin which cost me DKK65. Copenhagen cinema is so old yet classy, but I must confess that the sound system is not as extravagant as those in Singapore (how I missed Cathay Cineleisure so badly!).

Buy your tickets here!

Graah this is cinema and not an opera house =S

Apratz and Minling

By the way, Tobey Macguire was looked at his best when he was trapped in the evil-state. The scene when he was going wild and acting fierce is the best thing, and I heart the old formula of soulmate becomes sworn enemy. The more angst the storyline is, the more tormenting the characters are, the more fascinated I become ^o^.

I am looking forward to my Tour de Bohemia plus Mediterranean starting from 30th of May to 10th of June. I will explore Prague, Bratislava and Vienna, and afterwards go down to Athens and Thessaloniki ^o^.

NB. Yucks I am going corny by showing pics of the cinema. What for? -_-"


ryy_ said...

unofficially congrats!

DKK 65 tuh hampir SGD 18 ya kata gugel, hampir 2x nya nonton di dini :o

Anonymous said...

kyaaaa..cinema nya kerennn!!! tempo doeloe gtuhh!!

Yu Yu. next week will watch Pirates @ Cathay..huhu...

tiap kali mo nonton, hati selalu teriak "The Cathay, The Cathay"..wakakakaka..

*udah jatuh cinta sama the cathay*

btw, congrats yahhh...already finished your study...kapan yah gilirankuuu....huhu..

Anonymous said...

Huh, enggak sopan ini... masuknya barengan kok udah lulus duluan, huhuhu... anyway congrats ya...

Ntar kalo udah ke Bratislava kasi tau ya, itu yang di pelm eurotrip itu beneran kagak sih? hahaha...

Anonymous said...

dapet 65 kr itu harga student ya? Biasanya tiket di Palads kan 75? Kalo mau yang lebih murah harga student ke Cinemaxx di Fisketorvet aja bisa dapet 55 kr

nesnesnes said...

Wow, that's almost double the price in Vienna's English cinemas yah? Di sini nonton cuma 5euro saja :)

Apret said...

@ryy_ : Hue jangan diingetin harga dunk, huhuhu. Sakit hati berat ni jadinya =(.Mana sound system nya standar, cuman kaget sekali doang, tanpa teriak XD (kalo di singapur udah kyk orang bego teriak2)

@ Fanny : Waaa mau nonton Pirates juga ^o^.Ga mungkin nonton disini,udah bokek berat =(.Palingan entarannya mbajak, hohoho XD.Pokoknya abis pulang ke Singapur, wiken nya mau kalap nonton di Cathay XD

Giliran Fanny satu setengah tahun lagi, amien ;)

@ Damar : He he he,judulnya kan lulus duluan, tapi nilainya amburadul X( (kyknya maksimal cuman dapet 2nd lower T_T).Makasih yaa ^o^

Haha iya aku penasaran ke Bratislava karna liat di Eurotrip itu, hauahaha *ga meaning*

@ Princess : Nontonnya pas public holiday si, ngga ngerti itu harga temen apa bukan =p.Kyknya di imperial lebih bagus drpd Palads, cuman pilemnya gak maen tiap jam =(.Fisketorvet dimana yah? *buka* =p.

Tapi tetep aja mahal banget T_T.Kalo bukan Spidey, ga bakal dibela2in deh =(.Mendingan mbajak XD

@ nesnesnes : HAH? VIENNA 5 EURO?? Waa ini namanya perampokan >.<. Kalo 5 euro mah nonton tiap minggu kali nes, hihihi.Gila Vienna surga dunia banget, udah standing musikal cuman 4 euro, bioskop 5 euro =S.mantab (y)

Anonymous said...

Di Imperial memang lebih wah, tapi di Palads juga tergantung studionya, kalo studio 1-2-3 itu gedungnya besar2. Tapi di Imperial sebiji tiketnya 100 kr. Fisketorvet gak tau? Waduh...itu mal seberangnya Islands Brygge.

Apret said...

@ Eva : Se.. se.. se.. seratus kroner??? *pingsan*

Tapi kemaren di Palads kecil banget, huhu. AKu gak pernah ke Mal di Denmark, paling mainnya di Stroget ato Frederiksberg Center.Ke Illium aja mau pingsan ngeliat harga barang2nya. Nah daripada sakit hati mendingan ga usah kesana, hihihi.

Tapi kalo Eva mau ngajak aku kesana aku mau loo ^o^ *ditimpuk*

Anonymous said...

Hehehe iya 100 kr, kalo pas ada pemutaran spesial 120 kr, tapi kursinya kulit lho *keukeuh*. Aku nonton di Imperial kalo pas ada film2 kolosal aja.

Tapi loe harus nyoba bener, soalnya GEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE banget dalamnya kaya gedung opera gitu!

Yah emang Fisketorvet gak ada apa2nya sih dibanding mal Jakarta, mal yang deket rumah gw, Fields aja yang ngakunya paling gede se Skandinavia ah gitu2 aja, tapi praktis kalo pas cuaca tidak bersahabat :)

Kalo ke Illum/Magasin pas sale non, bisa pingsan juga ngeliat harga super murah (90%!!)

Apret said...

@ Princess :
Nonton Pirates yuukkk ^o^, abis exam khan Mbak? Perlu me-reward diri sendiri tuh ;)

Entar hari jumat mau ke Fisketorvet akh abis pulang dr rumah Eva, hehe.Penasaran juga.

Tapi iya, mal itu bergunanya kalo ujan, hauhahaha *sadis mode*

Anonymous said...

hayok! aku sih siap2 saja soalnya sekarang pengangguran berat