Monday, May 28, 2007


After sweat so much in constructing English-written journal so far, I feel like writing in Bahasa Indonesia. I think it will create more intimacy towards readers and I.

My very first reason erecting this blog is primarily because my English is damn-atrocious during my first year of University life! To tell you the truth, I failed my ‘Qualifying English Test’, and consecutively failed my ‘English Proficiency’ subject. The disaster kept on happening when my ‘Business and Managerial Communication’ tutor felt deeply worried of my English. Alas, he encouraged me to write in English as much as possible.

As if being that pathetic was not enough, I received plentiful scoldings from different Tutor(s) of my English Literature subjects despite my gory effort to perform well. However, taking Lit modules was my choice since I heart Literature so much, so I’m not regretting them stained my transcript. If only learning English is as easy as adding up my body-weighs, I won’t be intimidated by couple of Grammar-police(s). (I know they might be reading this, so I guess –Hello grammar-police?-).

But the thing is, if I suddenly change everything to Bahasa, the inconsistency does occur greatly since I have been using English from the very beginning. And I hate inconsistency (even though I always commit that countless of time XD).

Anyway, I admit that I’ve never been to interview for permanent jobs. Some people said that failing ‘English Proficiency’ in our transcript is a devastating issue for the interviewee, because it proves to the interviewer that we are not proficient in English =S! (Is this the reason why I never secure any interview for permanent jobs? Well, devil may care!) But since my ‘English Proficiency’ subject has 0 Academic Unit, and my damned Literature Subjects are NOT counted towards Honour, so I just let it flow and prepare a logical blunders if someone asks XD.

I’m proud of failing my EP two times =p.

Found this suuuuper cute video from Youtube. I’ve been wondering about this Live Performance since I first time listened to this song. It really fits my mood right now. Forget the bloody theme; abandon the anguish words, welcome to the chaste and pure lyrics!

I Wish

Lyrics : Hyde
Music : Tetsu
Translation : Police-grammar=p (Sankyou!)

Don't cry, why are you hugging your knees in a night like this?
Wait, I'm running there
I'll be with you before the midnight bell rings

Open the window and see
the city is filled with miracles
you can even hear a nostalgic song
the wonderful organ is singing

If you'd look at me one more time

Many many pure white angels are descending upon you
If you'd laugh,
Let's celebrate this night which was set aside
For I share much love with you,
I'd swim in the sky if you wish

For you are more important than anybody else
No matter how time flies,
I want you to keep smiling
I pray that however I'd become,
you'd always be in happiness,
forever, forever


ryy_ said...

gimana kalo buat blog satu lagi yg bahasa Indonesia?

update sesuai mood pengen nulis pake apa (klo mo nulis pake pensil di mana?)

trus klo iseng skali2 terjemahin post dari blog ID ke blog EN buat buang waktu
*dilempar kue coklat*

Apret said...

Nah itu dia, gw lebih trauma lagi kalo bikin blog indo =S
Katanya bahasa indo gw aneh dan kaku
Cuape deh

Bahasa indo salah
Bahasa inggris kena tembak X(
Duh gw belajar bahasa urdu aja ni biar ga ada yg ngerti, hhohoho

Oh iya belon nimpuk
*ngelempar kue coklatXD*