When poison pills seem to be more celestial than heavenly fruit…
Today I was being scolded by my Literature lecturer. Well, she mentioned that my structure of essay is wholefully messy and wild, the entire expression of English is at faulty, and that is uneven called a piece of work. I was stunned and suffocated at that moment. Knowing that you’ve done poorly for the thing you love is an utter pain. While I was sitting in the library, I even cannot concentrate for a single moment, especially when those commentaries wandering in my empty mind.
But the thing is, I intend to take Literature module due to my lack of understanding in English, and I want to improve that so badly. I am keen to write and love to read, though those motives might not enough to be proficient in Literature.
Luckily, Bro Hamid has returned my self esteem by saying that he never heard about someone majoring in English Literature turn out to be a million dollar writer and noble receiver. We write because we want people to understand what our thinking is, and to meet that particular aim, no need to produce an ‘A’ literature essay, as everybody can write everything they like. That is, -pardon the pun- indeed true! Hail Bro Hamid!
By the way, just walking to Ddee’s blog and trying this test =P
You Are a Bright Star Soul |
Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive
You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles. Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul |
Aku coba tes ini juga. Tapi nggak tau hasilnya bener apa gak :P. Liat di blogku deh. Bener gak sih?
ayu, you're truly one shiny and bright star!!!
ga usah dengerin kata orang deh. aku aja yg grammarnya ancur2an, vocab yang amat sangat minimum, cuek aja nulis. Hehehe..
I loooooveeee your writings. Really!
To Adilla : Hiyyy Result nYa sama kyk Otaku-Sama... Cieeehhh Suit suit
Beneran koq dil kamu begitu.Hihi.COcok2.
To Fanny : aaaaanggg menangis terharu berlinang aer mata T.T. Terima kasiiiiihhh.
Kalo kamu nulis mah Flow fan, bener deh.Huhu.I luph ur writings dear.
Aku cocok lho sama kamu....
Dapetnya prophet soul, terus katanye.... cocoknya ame Bright Star Soul...
Dan sekarang ane muntah.... =( =(
Btw, ikut berduka cita ame Literature ente. Ane juga kapok ambil literature lagi.... Pengalaman buruk sama buku jebot berjudul Frankenstein....
Hihi..tuh Ayu ada yang cocok juga :D. Btw si Auntie ini kamu kasih kartu gak? :P
APRATZZZZ diriku baru tahu kalo lo dah mau lulus!!!
Exchange ke Denmark yah??? Wahh selamat,, selamat,,
Sedangkan gw masih terdampar dengan segala tugas2 njelei di sini.
Yah,, Pratz.. lo mau pinter bhs inggris ngambilnya literature. Buat gw bahasa itu yang penting bisa nulis en bisa ngomong yang dimengerti orang lain.
Gw jago ngomong en nulis bahasa indo (*sombong*he he he), gw tau bahasa gaul, bahasa banci, bahasa sopan yang seadanya... tapi pelajaran bahasa indo gw kaga pernah selamet sejahtera.
Sama aja kan kaya si mahkluk bernama literature ini???
Ga pentinggggg
@ Bhro : Huek huek siapa pula sudi ama anda. Nginjek kodok aku... \wek \wek \wek. Frankenstein satu semester sih masih Ok, ni tiap minggu disuruh baca yg lebih parah dr Frankenstein. Hauhauahau T_T. Udah bokek bukunya mahal2, halaman bukunya ampe 500an gt. Masih dicaci maki pula. Modar modaaar T_T
@ Adilla : manasudi.com \wek. Auntie baek sih. AKu kasi kartu, huhu. Tapi dia harsh grader en harsh commenter T_T
@ CHoco : Yah mudah2an lulus deh amien T_T. Pusing ni ama keadaan, huhu. Exchange juga blun apply Visa ama blun beli tiket. Hauu.. lagi exam period siy. ketika embassy tau aku orang Indo yg kriminil, mungkin akan bermasalah kali. Siapa tau dikira ke Denmark cuman mao demo ttg kartun Nabi T_T.
Haha elo masa depan cerah kali. Nilai Ok, gampang ambil S2 (S3 langsung juga bisa kali). Jadi rebutan company2. Oh enaknya. Sini nilai amburadul T_T.
Literature itu gw suka sih bacanya. Gw juga suka nulisnya. Tapi kan 'suka menulis' ama 'pintar menulis' beda. Huhu.
Again, Indo en Inggris lo ngalir banget koq. Aaa sirik iri hati dengki. Haahaha
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