Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Examinations and Wishes : A Tribute

To : Apret
Buat rummie gw, cayo FYP-nya. Ganbatte yaaa
~ Rummie yg mau ditinggalkan

Fur my lovely roomie, thank you very much and please cross your finger on my FYP. Good luck for you as well; I know you will be able to make it in exams (since you can endure to push yourself that hard). And if everything goes well, you will miss me for one whole semester =).

To : Apret
Apret, apret, apret, makasih yaa, buat insight2nya kemarin2. Met belajar buat exam yaa, semoga impiannya setelah lulus nanti tercapai, amin! All the best!

Dearest Fika, the truth is you are the one who grant me those invaluable insights and advices. Going with the status quo is so yesterday, hence I should thank you in showing me how to cautiously deal with hesitation and respond quickly to the challenges. All the best for your final year, let’s save the best for the last! =)

To :Apratz

Apratz, makasih banyak bantuannya selama ini, mulai dari GL GTD8, makanan & snack-nya, ampe nasehat2 en dukungan morilnya. Aku doain moga2 hasil examnya memuaskan en sukses buat Exchange-nya ya!


Dearest my all-time best partner in crime, no thank me, thank you! Honestly speaking, you are one of my role model, as you can laugh in both joy and adversity, strive so hard to fulfill your recent ambitions and are able to position yourself within all situations (though needless to say, you are also a suitable colleague in gossiping up to date affairs and spreading grapevines in no mercy XD). I must thank you for setting me those fruitful examples. Really wishing you a grand triumph in doing exams =).

To : Apret
Sukses buat exam terakhir di NTU.
NB, beliin gw sepatu donk, Converse ya =P
~Orang Baek

-_-“ Dear Orang Baek, good luck for you as well, and hopefully this is really my last exam in NTU (and next semester’s exams will be done in Copenhagen =P). Later I’ll present you Converse keychains, until that time to come please bear with Hang-Ten T-shirt XD.

Untuk Fans setiaku
Konnichiwa! Katanya kamu penggemar berat saya yah? Padahal saya juga penggemar berat kamu lho!
Sukses FYP nya! Dan jangan lupa beli album saya yang terbaru

Dearest my cutesy wutesy Hyde, it is very sweet of you, coming down to Singapore and sending me this lovey dovey wishes XD.
In a nutshell, next time please just send me L’arc-en-Ciel’s concert pass for VIP guest, or else, your recent private live performance is also acceptable XD.
For your information, I illegally downloaded your latest album at the first day it was officially launched *evil grin*.

To : Apret
Allow Mbak, met exam! Karena lagi ngirit gw ngirim satu aja yah. He3.

Dearest my benevolent ex-neighbor, I’m truly delighted of your kindness. You never absent in sending me wishes in the past 2 years =D. All the best in securing job, facing exams and doing everything you want =D.

Perhaps thousands of thanks couldn't express how grateful I am for having you to strengthen and make me stand still in the midst of distress. Thank God for spilling over me with those people I love. Thank you =).


Ra! said...


kenapa itu bisa ada Hyde jadi2annn??????

Apret said...

Hoho mau jadi2an apa kaga, yg penting Hyde..

Shock Therapy nYa MANTAB Om Hyde XD