Saturday, October 14, 2006

I really don’t remember much about when my life has departured from
What is the so-called; real life?
So many unusual phenomena and sufferings
Hanging between reality and illusion
Realize what’s surrounding me
The end of life or the beginning of death
Do you notice me?

(Hyde’s Self Portrait Art and Words No 4)

Hyde-kun can write poetically beautiful text in both English and Japanese. His lyrics are well-written, contain persona and coldness aura in both English and Japanese. His writings are deep, pessimistic and dark in both English and Japanese. Simple and straightforward, earnest and bold in both English and Japanese.

Meanwhile, my English is broken, and my Bahasa Indonesia is just losing its souls. My English is overflowed by so many grammatical errors, while my Bahasa Indonesia is entirely pathetic. Atrocious and dreadful in English and Bahasa Indonesia, I am suck at both. Why can’t I also create good writings in both English and Bahasa Indonesia like the way he does?

Making a model dream
Following the dream in the white world
Breaking and following
Still breaking and following
... There is nothing

(Hyde’s Self Portrait Art and Words No 25)

It’s simply because… I’m not Hyde-kun T_T.

*Love the photos, very artistic ^o^*


Ra! said...

baruuuuu gw mo bilang coz u're not Hyde-kun =P
bagus lah kalo lo nyadar, huehehe....

Apret said...

I am not Hyde...

But I'm a Hydeist