Call me Final Fantasy Die hard fan!
Few weeks ago, one of my core subjects (namely Integrated Marketing Communication), had persisted me to come up with printing advertisement design and analysis. Though I was surprisingly energized to create it, I was mere confused with the preference of the product. What product should I appropriately come up with?
As a J-fangirl, my very first choice lay on Hyde’s newest single, “Season’s Call”. Regrettably there will be nothing much significant point of purchase on the print ad. (What should I put inside the ad? There’s no momentous point in emphasizing his huge self portrait within two page advertisement *sweatdrop*)
Alternatively, I was thinking of constructing magazine advertisement for my second-favorite game ever, Final Fantasy series (the no 1 ever was Suikoden series). Honestly speaking, I was quite brilliant in babbling about the importance of gaming and its related stuffs (passion gave importance, absolutely!). Therefore, I was producing two page print ad for Square-Enix’s brand new dazzling installment, Final Fantasy XII.
With all those so-called marvelous marketing campaign recommended within my reports, Square-Enix should started thinking about hiring some marketing executives from the gaming communities XD. *overstating self esteem, as always*
Few weeks ago, one of my core subjects (namely Integrated Marketing Communication), had persisted me to come up with printing advertisement design and analysis. Though I was surprisingly energized to create it, I was mere confused with the preference of the product. What product should I appropriately come up with?
As a J-fangirl, my very first choice lay on Hyde’s newest single, “Season’s Call”. Regrettably there will be nothing much significant point of purchase on the print ad. (What should I put inside the ad? There’s no momentous point in emphasizing his huge self portrait within two page advertisement *sweatdrop*)
Alternatively, I was thinking of constructing magazine advertisement for my second-favorite game ever, Final Fantasy series (the no 1 ever was Suikoden series). Honestly speaking, I was quite brilliant in babbling about the importance of gaming and its related stuffs (passion gave importance, absolutely!). Therefore, I was producing two page print ad for Square-Enix’s brand new dazzling installment, Final Fantasy XII.
With all those so-called marvelous marketing campaign recommended within my reports, Square-Enix should started thinking about hiring some marketing executives from the gaming communities XD. *overstating self esteem, as always*
WELL DONE.... WELL DONE.... four thumbs up!!!! gak bau kaki kok... :P
Huahaha. Itu kan cuman nomplokin gambar doang.Kagak diapa2in lagih.reportnya apalagi, kayak majalah game.. XD.
Btw ini siapa yah?Bikin penasaran ajeh.. =S
oiiiiiiiiiii gue juga suka suikodennnnnnnnnn, tapi baru tamat yg satu doang, dgn guide pula ><
ga berbakat namatin game....T_T;;;
FF gue juga maen, tapi yg lumayan maen yah FF9, ampe disc 3, itu tuh kelas satu sma terakhir maen, sekarang masih ada di memory card tapi ga tau napa ga ada mood namatin ( walau pun guide uda di tangan ) hahaha...
FF8 ama FF7 maen sekilas doang, salah ndiri sih, maen mulai dr FF9, begitu maen balik ke FF7 kan kerasa jeblok grafisnya...
btw, kerjaannya marketing enak ya...kayak apprentice gitu, coba kalo gue...meneliti sel darah merah, meneliti membrane potential cell, huhuhuhu...
anyway, good luck for the exam..
All the best..
*sorry kepanjangan
wah... keren banget taglinenya! (Y)
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