Sunday, February 24, 2008

Getting hooked to Friendster or Facebook is damaging…

… at least it applied for my dearest self. Frankly speaking, Friendster or Facebook (or Blogger or Whatever), are purposedly erected to create virtual social network, for people to socialize with other people even from across the continent. That was a splendidly brilliant idea to support globalization and the idea of making this world boundariless (well, Anita Roddick might oppose to this, but let’s leave her at it is).

Nevertheless, it is undeniable that it works out very well towards people who are longing for acknowledgement from the virtual world (something that she/he couldn’t derive from her actual world). This bunch of people will work their ass off to create imageries of ‘ideal self’ (instead of ‘actual self’) on those medium of acknowledgment. They will publish the fabricated and well-polished self portrait to emphasize on their (pseudo?) physical attraction, make so much hype of their achievement as if those are really a big deal amongst all traits that they have, et cetera, et cetera (sorry, I couldn’t elaborate much further).

I have once investigated this, and found interesting fact. Mostly, the wannabes are amongst the Asians (not to mention Indonesians), and not much of the Caucasians or people from neighborhood continent. Perhaps my random sample is pretty much biased, but kindly remember that Asians are being colonialized since the ancient time. This feeling of being underdog, and incapability to be proud of ‘what they currently have’ trigger them to create more buzz of ‘ideal self’. So here we are, the third world country that is being victimized by the evil consumerism (a no #1 product of capitalism). People are not yet proud of themselves if they don’t wear lavish clothes and consume luxurious brands. People are not yet proud of what they have unless they wear imported goods in every occasion. And voila, we spend much of what we can get.

After swamping all of you with this globalization crap, let’s get back to the Friendster/Facebook/Blogging issue…

In the end, I realize that I might have problem with self-confident issue, so I feel indifferent when seeing so much hype on some individual’s FS/Facebook/blog (either the authentic or the fabricated one). I often feel like I was like a useless retard when I compare myself with those damn lucky talented and high achiever folks on those ‘medium of acknowledgment’. I feel like, what am I doing until now, that I am unable to do something beneficial or significant towards myself and the environment?

Trust it or not, it damages my self esteem so much that I intend to stop involving myself on FS/FB/blog business. Okay, I hope that this underdog mindset only conquers my mind temporarily.


Anonymous said...

believe it or not, i do feel the same.

kadang2 bete abis ngeliat orang nge list profile fs nya panjang2 dengan hal2 yang (menurut ku) ga penting2 banget.

mungkin karena itu juga I keep my FS' profile as short as it can lol.

PS : kangen deh sama Ayu :)

Unknown said...


Wah Ayu.. Shock ternyata u berpikiran gitu.. hahaha... terpaksa secret admirer u keluar suara deh :p Nih, w salah satu penggemar blog Ayu, hampir di cek tiap hari :p hahaha...

I like your blog very much... because it shows the unique you.. (where else I can find the mix of manga, anime, game, kerja, fun, and inspirasi dalam satu blog?) Jgn sampai diberhentiin loh ya T_T

Ok de... Ganbatte kerjanyaa~~ ^^

Apret said...

@ fanny :

So, shall we quit? *grin*

Tapi kita juga pasang foto narsis di FS, huhu. Tapi pajang foto jelek ga asik juga. Ah yg penting poto narsis nya ngga hasil potosopan, ahahaha *membela diri*

yuk nyoping yuk. orcet anyone?

@ erlin :


Eee...eerlin bilang gitu? erlin yg puinter dan deanlister ituh? membaca sampahan kyk gini? waaaaa *lebih shock*

iya iya sy tak kan berhenti nge blog (saya kan manusia juga, dan manusia itu pada dasarnya narsis *apa si*). terimakasi bnyk. blog nya aku link ya lin

A.H. said...

yang penting ngejunk di high-speed-junk milis jalan terus!!! :P

ryy_ said...

spot on! saya jadi repeat offender dong karena di blog ada tag khusus buat showing off :P

Apret said...

@ -aussie :

halah halah, itu milis NaruTaru lama2 jadi GJ banget X(

*anggotanya GJ sih

@ ryy_ :

Oh kalo anda itu emang damn lucky talented bastard *digaplok* jadi ya ngga papa, wong punya ability yg sugoi, hehehe