Sunday, August 12, 2007

The most pitiable thing in this world is,
When you assume that you are standing within the axis of the universe
And the cosmos is moving according to your expectation

The most disgraceful thing in this planet is,
When you take for granted that people doing good deeds to you
Therefore they must be at your side thus supporting you

Which is unfortunately not….

And I can only say pathetic!


A.H. said...

Eh, kalo nulis puisi cryptic2 seperti ini, be extra cautious lho.

Kalo menurut pengalaman shaya, biasanya orang yg disindir malah enggak merasa, tapi akan muncul 10 orang lain yg malah jadi merasa disindir. Itu pun kalo emang ada orang yg disindir.

Apret said...

Loh bang, sy mah enggak nyindir siapa2. Bisa saja sy berhalusinasi dan mengejek diri sendiri seperti yg sering saya lakukan.

Mungkin kalo ada yg ngerasa, yah introspeksi aja. Ga ada salahnya kan introspeksi, sukur2 ternyata engga. Kalo ternyata benar ya, terima kasih apret saya sudah disadarkan XD.

Anyway, abang merasa tersindir?

A.H. said...

Eits, uenak aja, aku nggak se Ge-Er itu kok :P.

Apret said...

Hehe kirain GR itu menular bang, ampyun XD