Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dearest my beloved roomie,

Though years had come and gone so fast, our memories made will always last.

Happy 20th my dear, May God bestows long lasting happiness and grants all of your dreams and wishes. Good luck for everything in love and life =).

P.S. Above is the pic when i was still in senior high, the moment right after the announcement of final exam result. I looked cute, didn't I?^^


Anonymous said...

hahaha,,,,makasi yaaaaa

*terharu gw

*hug dr jakartee*

mudah2an doa2nya terkabulkan,,,



kalo dah nyampe jakarta sms yaaaaaa

kita nonton n jalan2,,,ama babon




Anonymous said...

yup, you looked cute... :-) thanks for being "narsis"....

mo ngamen ya, mbak ?