Saturday, September 16, 2006

New Age Feudalism

This week is overwhelmed by some recruitment talks, starting from Exxonmobile, Deustche Bank, Credit Suisse, P&G, Citibank and such, in which I care no longer, since they’re obviously looking for students with outstanding academic achievement –dearest my fellow readers, it’s not ‘good’ student anymore, it’s ‘outstanding’ student! Go away somewhere out of this world, since your presence is just to irritate underlings like myself!

My brain boils with hatred, ever since I find out that people’s values are utterly determined by their grades, and how many As they get for one whole semester. I feel super duper insulted, when people do over-proclaim regarding their academic achievement, especially those who’re repeatedly saying disappointment for not getting A+ in some subjects. Do they really care about the weaklings, who’re struggling just to pass certain subjects? Do they think that people who’re worth to live in this ferocious world are just the gifted beings with thousands of A in their transcript, and the rest of the unfortunate players are only meant to get scolded by them? If that’s so then let’s go to Mars, being the super intelligent Martians and later invade the earth!

I will never ever hand in my precious lifetime to work for bloodsuckers! In my wildest imagination, I will build my own Queendom, fight alongside the weaklings as kings and nobles while converting the superiors to proletarians.

Cause I am sitting in my therapeutic asylum,
In which nobody knows, nor cares
I’ll indulge myself there, in my boundless sanctuary
It’s okay with the world!


Anonymous said...

semangat ya Ayu...:)

di balik setiap kesulitan, pasti ada kemudahan :) :)

Ra! said...

apratz.. apratz.. sabar ya..

mari sama2 kita ucapkan:
"coz they're singaporeans" =P

Apret said...

To : Fanny
Insya Allah, di setiap kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan.
Hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita =)
Namanya juga orang lagi depresi, huhu.
Masa depanku, akan jadi apakah dirimu?

To : Rora
Iya, BT banget. Makan tu gaji gede. Kerja sono tinggalin anak istri *loh*
Dari Hongkong. Udah gemes banget jadi engga sabar, huhu.
I'm not like them, i don't value money that much T_T.
(But in fact, money does hold the highest value. And here I am, daydreaming all over again)

Anonymous said...

Hidup AYU!!!

*ntar klo ke Mars, gw ikut donk..

Anonymous said...

:) kok ke mars?
k hongkong dunk kak ya? :)

semangat kak..saya juga lagi berusaha..
mari sama2 kita habisin nie semester..trus nonton pas mo pulang k indo..hwehehehe...