Sunday, September 14, 2008

Apratz’ Top 20 (Recent) Random Facts

- I recently feel like crushing myself to the MRT train, jumping into the railway when the train is coming for the sake of curiosity
- I will then make myself conscious by reciting prayers afterwards (??)
- I am paranoid of blood-spilling (haemophobia?)
- I recently think of putting the corrupt government officials in the chamber of gas so that they’ll undergo a slow and painful death
- I am pretty morbid and sadistic at times
- But in fact, I am no fearless at all
- In 5 years time, I see myself as an academic researcher doing a PhD
- I am not good at giving up
- I often overreact toward everything, and make people annoyed afterwards
- I am an extreme headstrong, who won’t hesitate to pester others
- I think I am the most unromantic person in the world
- I think of Facebook and Friendster as a tool to boost up one’s pseudo self actualization
- I respect people because of intelligence above everything
- My mother said that I am the most insensitive person on earth, and I think that might be true
- I hate it when people being a busybody yet I feel like being one for most of the time
- I love Math and Science subject(s), but am suck at them
- If I strike Toto and win $100,000 the first thing I’d do is giving them for charity
- (yet I am never ever interested in trying Toto)
- I am no culinary adventurer and often end up eating the same thing over again
- I hate it when people show their poker face and fabricate their attitudes –I am a strong believer of ‘be-yourself’ slogan
- I wonder what initiates me to do this –because I think this is stupid -_-“


Anonymous said...

"I hate it when people show their poker face and fabricate their attitudes –I am a strong believer of ‘be-yourself’ slogan"

*self-statement test*

poker face -- check
be-yourself attitude -- check
high-level individualism -- check

well.. looks like we are not going to get along well, mate. =D

~is sure full of contradictory o_0`\

Kodok Ijo said...

Hahaha, paranoid of blood spilling!! ga berani mbayangin kamu pingsan gara2 liat darah... pasti lucu deh...

Ra! said...

not stupid,koq... =)