Thursday, July 26, 2007

Convocation Day!

How was my convocation day? It was both exciting and saddening =p.

With precocious Adilla, my best buddy and my FYP partner

She is still very young, 19 years old and completing her bachelor's degree! What a genius! I am always grateful to have her at my side, as she's more modest and mature than me though I am older than her XD. Thanks, thanks for everything ;).

With Aninto, most probably brilliant guy I'm closest with, a good advisor in times ;)

Thanks for giving me advice and everything while I'm lost, thanks for countless deep chats, thanks for everything ^o^.

With Aconk, my 'Angel' XD, you've done your role impressively, I would give you an A ^o^

With Dhana, a brotherlike guy who always lend me a hand while I need

With Adilla and Otaku-sama, duo weirdos with bizzare yet enlightening points of views ^o^

With Karina, damn smart pretty lady, i really adore her and am going to miss her so badly

I am always being her burden in times, when we were applying for accommodation, registering for extra curricular activities, constructing resumes and cover letter together, copying tutorials (i was copying her by the way), studying together for exam, gossipping anything worthwhile to during the dull nights, etc. She's always there, without even scolding or blaming me at all for my mistakes. Thank you very much, I am going to miss your kindheartedness T_T.

Two genius brothers that I admire (and will always be), thanks for coming T_T

I once saw them when I was still an innocent first grader, and I wasn't even popular at all while being the moving grass, but they were the first to approach me as if giving me silent support to 'pursue' them. Right after that, I passionately joined the English Debating Squad in order to regenerate their position as the senior debaters. Thanks very much bros.

With Bro Hamid, my perfect gossip partner

As if being a news seeker wasn't enough, he claimed himself as 'the man closest to god of gossip'. Well, that's a joke. He is a brother, a friend, an advisor, a helper, an assistant, a servant.. (stop it XD). Thanks very much for granted me your critical views while I was still in Copenhagen. Thanks very much for collecting my invitation card, thanks for everything, promise me that the gossip won't ever be stopped until we draw our last breath, hauhahaha XD.

With Bhro, a guy without 'heart', my gullible 'Mortal' ^o^

With Tegar, a 10,000 dollar guy XD

With Rizaldi, the guerilla night-chatter, benevolent helper =)

With Roomie, my super duper hillarious roomie ^o^

She's the best roomie ever (while I am the worst T_T). She's a hardworker, a meticulous yet ultra friendly and energetic girl, whom I leant so much from. Thanks very much for your kind attention, extra care, advice, everything, and everything. A Putu makes Apret, Apret XD. Thanks for the graduation gift as well. Please graduate as fast as possible so that we could be in the same roof again!

Some members of Superbatch65ers, I'm going first =)

It was such a memorable moment when you saw a lot of friends coming down to congratulate you, even if they have to wake up very early in the morning =). I feel very much loved and appreciated. Thank you very much!

But it was miserable that I ought to leave the school ;_;. I am not a working person, I am a learning type (slow learner to be more exact). I do love to learn everything instead of working >.<.

From now on, it is Apret, Bachelor of Business (Honours) *absolute narcisstic mode=on*

P.S. I too much enjoyed myself taking pictures with friends that I don't have any decent picture with my family!!!! *sobbing*


ryy_ said...

banzai! banzai! banzai!

Anonymous said...


aprettt,,,congratz yaaaaa,,,

i will miss you for sure,,

hiksss,,,sekarang dirikuw sepi sunyi sendiri di single room,,,,,,soalnya ga ada rumet yang bisa menjinakan gw selain lo,,,wakakakakakakakak

good luck yaaa

I will graduate as soon as possible,,!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

selamat ya...
selamat ya...
selamat ya...

insyallah anak2 stan bulan september ini...
lu bisa datenk ngak???
anak2 angkatan bulan desember prasetya perwira....

Ra! said...

enak yooo...
ndak perlu pake konde dan segala macemnya, huahuahuahua...

btw pret,
waktu futsal kemaren ada gossip lo mo ngundang2? (serius neh...)

lo jadi 'kabur' yee??

Apret said...

@ _ryy :
Ahaha.. banzai.. banzai juga ^0^

@putu :
Duh gw juga kangeen, disini sunyi sepi sendiri (dangdut), berbicara dngan tembok setiap hari, perasaan sedih di dalam hati (huek huek but thats rhyming XD)

Put nitip barang dunkz, soalnya nih ibu kos naroh barang banyak di kamar gw dan blun diambil, sementara barang2 gw dan anes sudah cukup mengubur kami disini XD. Maap yah put, seminggu lagii ajah XD

@ mriyandi :
wah makasih yah
wah makasih yah
wah makasih yah

insya Allah dimudahkan pas kalian lulus ^_^
dan insya Allah bisa dateng kalo gw udah kerja ^o^
Sukses terus yah

@ Ra! :
eh emang dimana tuh convo pake konde?

ngundang apa ra? makan2? gw masi pengangguran nie X(, idup melarat tanpa loan yg mengalir

huhu kyknya ga jadi kabur, being a breadwinner in singapore for just 3 years isnt a bad idea ;), job market is relatively good -yet im still jobless =(

Anonymous said...

congrats yaa! ^__^