Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Paris Van Java

Fatty Apratz (due to Holiday), Juniors and Alumni counterparts

Boohoo, lousy title for a super lousy girl *whatever* , anyway, I spent last weekend on December vacationing in Bandung West Java. My family owned a restaurant namely 'Kedai Urang Bandung' in Jl. Supratman 45 Bandung, and Mom asked me to create a menu-card as well as food display for the sake of this F&B business. Henceforth, please do stop by and indulge your culinary lust in there (and enjoy my art too *grin*). Frankly speaking, the naming was tasteless -or so to speak-, if i were a Bekasista, then my tavern-to-be will be kind of 'Warung Anak Bekasi', which is so blatantly uncreative! Next time If this will be my parents legacy in the future, I will be pleased to name it "Akatsuki" and let the waiter and waitress dress like Akatsuki Member XD.

A Maiden in Pirates' Den, no actually it was on the Parking Slot

Anyway (again), it is a total coincident that SMA TN Rendezvouz for West Java-ers was being held there. I was surprised to meet high school friends as they are already changed too much until i myself cannot recognize *_*. Honestly, I am always oblivious to keep in touch with old friends, thus I am typical of person who can't afford to maintain sustainable relationship with people. But I was happy to find that I still have chance to meet them :).

Factory Outlets (I didn't shop, but I did windowshop)

So what did I do in Bandung? First and foremost will be shopping, regrettably, those dresses that I was yearning of cost me like 200,000++ so I decided not to buy (my budget for clothes was like less than 50,000 only XD). On the other hand, I found super cute plush dolls of Deidara and Gaara *yatta* which cost me like 30,000++. I was so happy remembering that I've been salivating over those two plush dolls since I started watching Shippuuden (even I intend to bid on ebay for those items, unfortunately the shipping cost went up like crazy : USD 10).

Deidei plush ^o^

Gaara plush ^o^

Bandung is really a student-friendly place. I want to taste a "real" campus life like those in ITB (yet I don't think that I can pass the SPMB considering that I am super brainless while in High School :p). Sometimes I tend to blame SMU X for making me suffering that much when I was there. I was never ever into study when I was on Secondary School, yet I always got the second highest (if not the highest) grade in Math. When I was on High School, things seemed to go upside down, I was studying like hell, working my ass off just to pass the remedial test, but report card always went awful. Even having such nostalgic feeling makes me suffocated *fainted*.

I really did enjoy my time in Jakarta. I don't want to come back to Singapore for work, though I want my salary (who don't?). Today is my last day working normally, as starting from tommorow onwards, it is a crystal clear that I will have to work overtime *_*.


Reza de Bhro said...

Mantabbhhh.... Itu setelah ane muter monitor 7 kali baru nyadar kalo ada Thariq, sempet bingung antara PED ato dia, hahaha....

Anonymous said...

Ya ampun cuma Thariq doang yang bikin pangling,, sisanya sama

Btw cuma mau nanya en sekalian koreksi (kalo bener ni =p)

Itu banner nya salah tulis ye?



Anonymous said...

kayanya bandung itu west java deh... hehehe...

A.H. said...

Ayo Apretz, jadilah pelopor meido-cafe di Indonesia!! Saya siap jadi pelanggan :P

* ati2 dibakar fpi aja...

Anonymous said...

@ Bhro :

Yah elah aku aja ngelewatin blas,kirain preman numpang makan di hajatan orang, huhuhuhu X(

@ Dhana :

Haha iya sisanya sama. Kita memang awet muda.

He bukan aku yg bikin banner =S

@ Hamid :

Huhu asosiasinya ke magelang terus si (central java). SD sy kaga lulus ni, ibukota jawa tengah = bandung XD, untung kuliah lulus XD

@ Aussie :

Nggak la, mendingan Butler's Cafe, waiter2 nya pake baju akatsuki, ntar kan ada Sasori-chan, Deidei-chan, Itachi-kun *kyaaaaaa ^o^*

Butler cafe ga mungkin dibakar fpi, fpi cuman tertarik ama cewe