Monday, April 20, 2009

A Quick Note, For Now...

I loathe it when my mother talked to me pertaining to marriage issue...

While hasty generalization sometimes misleads, I personally thought that most ladies perceive marriage until certain point they become a bride -and doesnt really take into account that life must go on after the fairy tale like-wedding, and it will be tough. Reality bites!

Parents, most of them, wish for their kids to be the creme de la creme of the society, especially girls, to be princesses, that own everything from head to toe: from lavish crown to fancy gowns. From stable job and perfect soon-to-be spouse. As if education and physical attractions are not enough, they demand status.

As for me, I am not a realistically ambitious person yet not a strong believer of status either. I just want to be happy and make an endeavor to do the best (and not to be the best -there is a difference!). Why fight for status when it doesnt make a single bit of happiness? Why follow what society thinks while you yourself take all the impossible burden. We are humans, not Hercules who could accept the divine 12 godly tasks. We just want to be happy, ne?

I left my stable job up there, get out from my comfort zone, and make myself blindfolded of all the expectations i could never fulfill. I descend to the land where everything is still uncertain, but I am sure that I will be fine! The mantra is "i dont care, as long as I am happy!". Dont force me to "catch" a random guy, appear as if I am ready to settle down, make an effort to be domesticated, while I am not the one suitable for that role -for now! The difference between mature and childish is: responsibility. As long as we are responsible of our life, and not being a burden to others, that is called an adult! And an adult, could really do everything they wish for, because they are likely to be responsible of their own mess!

Currently, I have never put myself in this situation before. I really DO struggle, academically and financially -and i cant think of anything besides those two. Language issue is my biggest impediment (i never thought that it will be this hard), and secondly, the people. People in my cohort are really the top of the top, both academically and socially. They are both future leader and academicst, party goers who also spend their weekend reading papers. I feel like an insignificant dust over here xD.

Nevertheless, i enjoy the feeling, no, I am grateful for this feeling. We are alive when we are struggling to live :). And after I succeed to conquer all these, I believe that I alone could survive nuclear ;)


jali said...

smangat mbak =)

jensen99 said...

[...] an adult, could really do everything they wish for, because they are likely to be responsible of their own mess!Quoted for truth...
..& still crawling to be one of 'em =_=

Apret said...

@ Jali: hoho situ juga semangat!

@ Jensen99: salam kenal :D, para blogwalker seperti anda adalah salah satu motivasi blogger sampah spt saya untuk tetap menulis (lebay, hueks)

stop crawling, stand up, run, and then FLY! xD... u are likely to be one of them :)

jensen99 said...

Suatu kehormatan buat saya bisa kenalan dengan blogger selevel mbaksis. Smoga saya bisa jadi teman blogger mbaksis nantinya. Mohon petunjuknya (_ _)

dai said...

Ayuuuu, kangen.
Jaa, mata nihon de! Tapi kapan ya huks huks XP

Apret said...

@ jensen99: weleh jadi ga enak. lah sekarang pan juga udah jadi temen xD. eh tapi sy blogger angin2an loh, nulis kalo lagi eksplosif doang, hehehe

saya add di blogroll ya masbro xD

@ dai: kochi kochi dai-sama! duh nihonggo masih jelek abis parah rusak ni, ahahaha.ajarin dunks mbak ;)

jensen99 said...

Eh, blogroll? Ah, sila2... ^_^

Maaf, blum baca abis dua post terakhir, dah jam 3.30AM ini ^^