Sunday, February 05, 2006

You Might Be Obsessed With J-Rock IF....

You barely even notice that songs are in Japanese any more, in fact you're more likely to notice if they're in English. (hehe.. almost)

You've actually memorized several songs, due to having listened to them so much. (yup yup ^^)

You call platform shoes 'Tetsu shoes'. (y)

You sing so much Jrock that you end up singing English lines like them too. (that's very me)

Sometimes you confuse 'R's and 'L's... (T_T)

You have a hard time with 'th' now, thus you say 'sankyou' instead of 'thank you'. (err sometimes)

You refer to concerts as 'lives' and music videos as 'PVs' (err, are they different?)

You're more likely to surf than American music gives you the willies. (no comment)

You think 5'10 is tall. (totemo chiisai !!)

You know three different Tetsu's. (Tetsu, Tetsuko, Tet... ???)

You know that X-Japan isn't a porn site. (WHO SAID it??)

You're disappointed when your prescription for Penicillin turns out to be pills. (err.. wakaranai)

You know that monkeys do come in yellow. (Yeah, and they're COOL -I mean, the music)

This phrase makes sense to you: "causes stain stay away." ("Right away, oh bother me!" ^0^)

You wish you could make up cool words like mazohyst, zomboid, entichers, and oblaat. (COOL!!!)

You can now understand Engrish...and some Japanese. (I do hope T_T)

You can date L'arc pictures by Hyde's hairstyle. (not that extreme lah!)

Dir En Grey, L'arc En Ciel and Do As Infinity seem like normal band names to you...and you regularly nickname these bands Diru, L'arc, DAI. (Agree!!)

You are familiar with the following: Utaban, Music Fighter, Music Station, PopJam, CDTV, FUN, Hey, Hey, Hey....and you know the hosts for each. (y)

You know at what point a certain band stopped being 'visual' and became 'normal'. (y)

You know what 'fanservice' is and it's possible you even like it. (I love fanservice *kyaaaa*)

Romaji's pretty much second nature to you. (sometimes =P)

You understand that even crossdressing visual bands are not gay. (WHO SAID they are gay???)

You are familiar with all the ways to sing "todokanai" or "aitakute" or "wakaranai". (Hyde-kun familiar phrases -_-)

You know that Hide and Hyde are different people and do not pronounce their names the same way. (ya lah!)

You can't wait for the next Music Station Super Live.You're really irritated when sites like Yahoo's Launch! music have zero Jrock on them. (AGREE!)

You are now aware that Tetsu and Toshiya are the best bassists ever. (and the cutest bassists ever =P)

You also think Gackt should be the fourth tenor. (?? not really into Gaku, but "Gakuhai" XD )

You know some (or all) of these guys' real names.You know that T.M. Revolution is actually Nishikawa Takanori and that he hosts Pop Jam. (yea lah!)

You know that D'arc En Ciel and P'unk En Ciel are L'arc cover bands...played by L'arc. (P'Unk en Ciel was HOT!)

You know by heart who writes which songs in L'arc. (if not Hyde, then Tetsu.. mostly =P)

You're familiar with terms such as 'Hydeist', 'para para', 'GacktJob' and 'Miyavizm'....And you know what they mean. (know all of them except Para-para... X( )

Results :
Huhu, Am I that obsessed? T_T

Hyde-kun in His 37.. Totemo daisukiiii ^0^


Anonymous said...

Dapet score 26 dari maksimal 25 ya, Yu? :P Gimana soal dressing sense? Hihihi...Mis Sixty, Prada. apa Giordano? Apa FCUK? :D :D

-Salt of The Earth-

Apret said...

Fashion sense? huhu, kayaknya gw emang dismatcher/unmatcher (??) kali yaks T_T.
Prada mah kagak level ama gw, gw khan Fashion nya Gothic Lolita, Cosplay, wekeke XD XD.Prada? gak kreatiiiipppppp XD XD.

Anonymous said...

J-Rock forever!! Dari dulu gw nunggu Laruku konser di JKT (Hiks hiks..)
--HaidoGaku ^Freak^--