Sunday, October 30, 2005


Hey! Finally I've made a second blog! In the midst of distress and woe I intend to erect something to boost up my mood. My infectious blogger friends have made me choose blogspot to express my dull mind. After attempting FS blog, i move out to another blog provider, hoping that this new field would be more colorful than my first generation XD.

Actually i despise myself for being so poor in English (both oral and written, indeed!). My Biz Communication tutor always encourage me to write and speak in English as much as possible. Still, in this dismay situation i keep feel deterring and discourage. What i'm trying to say is : don't directly blame myself if you find any gramatical errors or unnecessary phrases in this text. I bear no malice towards anybody who reads it, truly XD.

And from now on, my tale of woe and bliss will be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


N : Neatly composed.

I : Immaculate design

C : Carefully elected thoughts.

E : Exuberant cheer.