Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am so stressed out lately (and am not emotionally stable). I am a person who'll strive for the best if and only if i follow certain norms and rules; and when those specific guidelines were absent at any circumstance, i'll be totally clueless thus don't know what to do. I really feel like living in the 'Lucy in the sky with diamond'-world x(.

I feel like dying my hair. Any suggestion/comment on what colour to take will be very much appreciated. Muchas Gracias!


ryy_ said...

Don't panic, the answer is forty-two. Mungkin waktu susahnya stressful supaya waktu mudahnya kerasa lebih manis.

How about dying it purple, Tieria purple?

Apret said...

@ ryy_ :

Hehehe... hopefully =)

Dying it purple? OMG ntar gw keliatan kyk kemoceng xD