Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From Jakarta with Nu-Haircut and Random Things

Dear Honorable Readers,

Apology for a delay in responding to your comments; as I was in Jakarta last week with limited access to internet connection. History is repeating, I had an awful haircut. This time it is Yzak’s wannabe T__T.
Maybe i should dye my hair gray and cosplay as Yzak T_T

So what I did during holiday?
- Relay Code Geass season 1
- Relay Gundam 00
- Relay Gundam Seed
- Watch ‘Nobuta wo Produce’
- Watch corrupted government officials in corruption trials
- Watch news of murders, senseless killing, death penalty
- Watch news about the energy crisis the earth is facing nowadays

And suddenly, I promised myself to save the world and make it a better place to live! Applause?

Okay, that’s corny. But perhaps those things have more or less influenced me with the decision I’m currently holding on : to quit my job :).

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