Sunday, April 06, 2008

Belated B'Day Party

I am officially 22 since 20th of March 2008.

belated b'day party hosted by NTU-ers

I guess it is already too late and i don't expect people to remember, but in fact people do remember *sobbing*.

my gullible secret angel, ahahahaha *bullying mode*

Thank you very much for your kind B'Day greetings and gifts. I am glad that I have bestowed upon so many nice people who really care. Honestly I am a typical hi-bye friend to begin with, as i don't put effort in maintaining people to people relationship. That's why I am a bit shocked knowing that people actually did give me B'Day Presents. I was on cloud nine after celebrating the belated B'Day Party yesterday *sobbing for the second time*.

Sincerest gratitude to roomie, soulmate, flatmates, weirdo, sicko, NaruTaru Fanclub, Superbatch Sixtyfivers, my gullible secret angel, Mr. Obsessive Compulsive, Rumet Abadi, ex. Mortal, those who remember and thou who read this, hehe. Apology that i am not able to mention every name, I think my brain is getting rusty due to too much yaoi recently *lol*.


dina said...

lho? hall 14 kak?
omedetou :)

A.H. said...

itu yang di foto pertama... itu deput??!!

Anonymous said...

*baru baca*






...hadiahnya, mungkin buket bunga buat pemakamannya Itachi Uchiha, yah. pas bener waktunya, hoho! xD

~kok jadi sadis gini gw?
~maafkan =3

Apret said...

hihi iya hall 14. ada keributan ga waktu itu? terimakasih yaa =D

terimakasih banyak terimakasih banyak?
buket bunga? *lempar segala macem secara tidak manusiawi X(*

kau tidak akan pernah mengerti betapa hancurnya aku saat beliau wafat, uhuuuu hiks hiks hiks unggg sroot (dangdut)